Hi everybody.
I recently bought a Sapphire 6900xt. This is my first "High-End" Gpu and i was expecting to run every games i play smoothly, especially knowing that im playing in 1080p resolution.
The result is that im nothing but disapointed. I was getting similar performance with my 300 E 5600xt. For exemple im currently playing Warframe and im struggling getting the 165fps my monitor need to match it's frequency... in open areas framerate is often under 100 fps cap... Same goes with Lost Ark in which im always around 100/120 fps. Apex is terrible too. I mean those are not heavy requiering games, and every benchmark on those i see on youtube with exact same config are showing huge fps numbers.
It's a 1200 euros GPU i should be able to run everything max settings and get 200fps++ in 1080p...
I don't know what i am doing wrong here
Pc Specs :
gpu : 6900xt
cpu : ryzen 5600x
mobo : msi x570 gaming plus
ram : 2x8Gb 3600mhz
power : 850W
(Ah yeah and by the way, smart access memory never worked.)
so honestly the 6900xt is overkill for 1080P and your prob CPU limited here more than GPU.
im pretty sure there was something mentioned about Apex issues with the current or last couple of drivers?
as for lost ark i run the game maxed at 1440p on my 240hz monitor and most of the time am pulling 200- 240hz
Sam need to be turned on in your bios for it work
Yeah overkill, that's what i wanted, but that's not the point.
My cpu is running mostly at 20-40% in games and 5600x only bottlenecking 6900xt at 15% so it's not the problem here. As i said i saw plenty of benchmark with exact same config running just perfect.
Im monitoring ressources while playing and everything (except RAM) is under 40% usage (at max), yet ingame performances are struggling...
I know sam has to be turned in bios. I did everything required for SAM and it's still shown as unavailable in Radeon Software.
I have a Sapphire 6900XT just like you, a Nitro+ SE to be specific and I did a sanity check to see what I am getting in Warframe at 1080p, and it's maxed out at the 170hz refresh rate my panel will do, pushing 170+ FPS, high settings...
Warframe FPS 170+
To troubleshoot, I'd start at the basics. My system specs are very similar to yours down to the power supply wattage. Assuming there isn't any issue with hardware, first question is do you have adequate case airflow to keep your 6900 XT cool? If your junction temperatures are going over 100 ~ 110 degrees Celsius, the driver will thermally throttle GPU clock speeds to keep it from overheating. It could be doing this to a fault, so I'd start there. I personally wouldn't have an issue opening the side panel temporarily and pointing a desk fan at the card for testing purposes. Just be careful not to touch anything while in operation.
Secondly, I'd check software settings in the app itself. Assuming everything is set to stock settings in AMD Adrenaline, I know Warframe has a setting for refresh rate and it will limit FPS to not go over that rate. So if it's set to 60 and you're expecting 160+, that would cause the issue too. The game should detect what refresh rate your display is running at and allow it to be an option for that setting. There could be an issue with that as well.
Let us know if either if these apply to you.
So about ariflow and temps, everything is fine : i made stress test on gpu and cpu and even at 100% usage temps never get past 80 degrees celcius (case is MSI MAG FORGE and i got watercooled cpu). In game temps stay around 60 degress celcius.
Now software settings : i have everything turned off in Radeon Software. In Warframe Fps is indeed limited to 165fps to match my monitor refresh rate. But i only get 165fps when nothing is happing in the game (like idling in my small ship)... I tried to remove fps cap by setting it to unlimited but it doesnt change much : fps increase at 200+ but decrease to 100- when action is going on in game.
To illustrate what im saying this is ingame fps :
And this is ressources monitor at the same moment :
I made a 3D Mark benchmark on the "Time Spy Benchmark" and got a score of 17 000 which is what i am supposed to get with that configuration. Same goes with Alyx Vr that run very smoothly in high settings.
So it seems like heavy ressources demanding games peform way better than lighter games... How is this even possible ?
What ram are you using? Is A-XMP1 enabled in the bios?
Hello, try disabling tpm 2.0 or which version you have is disabled in the motherboard bios settings. All vendors have it in different places, look for it. If it doesn't help, try this again, download the latencymon utility, you need to run it when the PC is not in use! this is important! Turn on the PC, as windows starts, run the utility, press play there and wait for 10 seconds, that's enough, everything should be in the green zone like mine or a little worse, but in the green (my system is configured, so I have it minimal for as long as possible.(there is information in other tabs about processes (drivers, programs) and what kind of delay they cause) search the Internet for a lot of videos about her, I also recommend turning on high performance mode in the settings of power consumption. And I hope you have vertical synchronization turned off in games and in driver settings)
So disabling TPM 2.0 didnt change anything.
Dowloaded Latencymon, ran it while pc booting, everyhting in green too :
Power consumption is already on high performance and vertical synchronization turned off ingame and driver side.
Also try to download directx download offline, 1 link in the browser on the microsoft website, you will need to unpack and install. And tell me how you have installed RAM slot a2 b2? The apex of legends should have an average of 150-200 frames in your configuration. And how does the processor keep the frequencies in the Game?
Ok quick update on my situation.
I found a fix for Warframe at least : in launcher default DirectX selected is DirectX11, i switched to DirectX12, now i have constant 165fps without a single drop.
So I guess everything is fine hardware sided, i'll just have to play witht settings in each game i have low fps to see what is the magic button to make it run smooth.
Thx to everyone who tryed to help me.