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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

PC not booting when GPU hardware is installed & GPU cannot be detected.

*Before, my PC is not working probably due to overheat. I tested the components and found out from paperclip test that my PSU was broken, so I replaced it. The PC now works but only without my GPU. I am planning to buy another GPU (the last one was just from a year ago) but I'm not really sure if it is the problem.

*New PSU power is changed from 350W to 600W.
*AMD Radeon RX580
*When GPU is inserted and then the system is started, all fans run but no lights at mouse nor keyboard. The PC does not boot but seems like everything is powered.
*When GPU is removed (or PCIe cable is removed) the system works. The PC boots.
*I tried unplugging the power plug on the GPU, boot, plugged it again, and then restarted. The system works, all fans work, but AMD hardware is not detected. Not even in device manager or regedit.
*My main take in this problem is that GPU is broken or shorted but I don't know where. I have no other device to test it on... same with my nearby PC repair shops.

Troubleshoots tried:
*CMOS reset
*BIOS update
*Changing power cables
*Tightening GPU PCI slot
*Installing driver without GPU and then reinserting
*BIOS internal graphics set to enabled
*Isolating GPU display (No chipset internal graphics)

*Is the GPU the one that is broken? If  so, which part might it be?
*Am I scammed by my PSU?
*What other problems could there be?

Man... I hope my GPU is not wasted...

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