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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

no hay ningun controlador de graficos amd instalado o el controlador amd no funciona

hola, tengo una hp pavilion 15-cd005la con windows 10 de 64 bits que no funciona sus graficas amd, actualice los driver para tener una mayor rapidez pero al abrir un juego no lo inicia al igual que un emulador , al entrar a la configuracion amd aparece que no tengo controlador o que no funciona correctamente , ya lo desintale y volvi a instalar pero nada.

anterior mente me aparecia unas opciones al dar click derecho en escritorio pero despues lo restableci la laptop y no me aparece y ahora tengo este problema ,dejo imagenCaptura.PNG

4 Replies

Make sure you have the latest BIOS Version installed from 05/2019: HP Pavilion - 15-cd005la - Driver Downloads | HP® Customer Support 

You need to download and install the A12-9720P Driver which will automatically install both Integrated and Discrete GPU drivers from here: 7th Gen A12-9720P APU Drivers & Support | AMD 

If the latest AMD APU Driver doesn't work correctly than you need to install the last HP AMD Graphics driver for your Laptop from here: HP Pavilion - 15-cd005la - Driver Downloads | HP® Customer Support 

Note: when you reply please translate your post into English since this is an English Only forum.

thanks for answering I will do what you mentioned and I will let you know what happened


the problem was solved update the bios and when restarting I could access the amd configuration as well as use my games, thank you very much for your help


With Ryzen it seems like it is good idea in having the latest BIOS version installed. It makes the computer more compatible with hardware & Software and more secure.

Even though in rare instances it can cause more problems than the previous BIOS if written poorly.

Anyways, Glad you got our problem solved.