Yes that's the normal value at idle.
Your Vram speed isn't normal though, it should idle at 200MHz
Are you using a 144Hz monitor?
yes and i have dual monitor 1 1440p end 1 900p ....
the Vram speed is down when turn off the second monitor and from 144 go to 120.... any solution for this?
if I work it in 1750stuck dual monitor bug, then can the card be damaged|? or i have more temp in idle please help me
The memory being stuck at 1750 will generate more heat at idle but that shouldn't be a problem as long as you have decent airflow in your case.
When your gaming it would boost to that speed anyway so no difference there.
From my understanding the issue is caused by the monitor manufacturers using non standard timings for the monitor to squeeze the 144Hz refresh rate through the HDMI bandwidth.
Changing the timings to standard and connecting through DP has been offered as a solution.
I don't have such a nice monitor myself so have never tried the fix.
the difference stuck 1750mhz is 59 celsius and turn on the fan sometimes
with no issue the vram clock speed the celicus is 42-40 celsius
is so hard amd to fix this bug 😕
It's hard to fix because it isn't a bug.
If the monitor manufacturers didn't try and cheat to make their monitors work at 144Hz on HDMI the issue wouldn't exist.
Probably more chance of getting them to give you the correct timings.
I hope amd fix it... but from the research I did on this subject, also available on old graphics cards
best name for this issue for the amd is amdnoobs