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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

Need Help for AMD WATMAN 6900XT ASROCK

Hello, I would like to post here to receive help. I am very lost when faced with an AMD Watman problem.
Default Radeon Wattman settings.
during my gaming sessions I have this message which appears and freezes my screen followed by a restart of the PC.
This problem frequently happens when I play Escape from Tarkov. I tried to do a new installation of Windows, DDU with up-to-date drivers,
change the PC power supply to a 1000W, card power settings with -10%. the problem always comes back. what do you think i should do?
I have an I5 9600k/16GBDDR4/Z390 A pro / Bequiet 1000W / SSD.
I am a basic French speaker I use translate because my English is not good
Thanks in advance Morgan

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