Thanks for your response, I have figured it out on my own actually. The "Eyefinity" tab was always greyed out for me. Couldn't find ANY videos that told me what I needed to know. Nor did the manual items I found as I didn't get any paperwork with my pc. Their way of going green ig. Save paper. But I was playing around with the settings and switched to default to start over. Low and behold there the "Eyefinity" tab was now white. Clicked on it and boom shockalocka I now have 3 monitors working in unison. Nowhere did I find that it wouldn't work in 4K even though all my monitors are capable. Or it wouldn't run with the built-in fps booster on etc, etc. So if you ever have this issue dumb it down. I was way overthinking it and turned out the simplest thing fixed it. I was like Jim Carey in "Liar Liar" bathroom skit. I kicked my own 🫏 do you mind lmao.