gpu:rx 580 8gb
operating system:windows 7 64 bit
cpu:i7 4770k 3,5ghz
psu:corsair 750w gold
monitor:lg 24mp55
tv:some old sony (full hd)
using hdmi
So i bought the gpu a week ago and i cant really get signal from my monitor...when i connect my pc into the tv everything is fine,i then plug the hdmi to my monitor i get signal but when i open the amd settings and go to the display tab i get the "No displays are currently connected to amd products on monitor" which makes me think that it somehow takes signal from the onboard graphics even thoough my cable is connected,when i plug the hdmi back to the tv i get all the info back,I also get pc and mouse freezes when i connect the hdmi on my monitor and i lose the signal when i restart.
https://prnt.sc/kguflg from tv
https://prnt.sc/kgugdt from monitor
Do you think there is any way to get the pc monitor to work?