My friend has this issue with Modern Warfare 2019 with free sync turned on for some reason there is like black pixels spreading once he loads into the multiplayer lobby or warzone lobby. Drivers were changed and used to no avail as only free sync being turned off changed it. All game settings were altered and no difference either. Directx was updated and checked for as well the game files and further, everything that came to my mind I tried to help him and fix this but only turning free sync off was the way to remove that dead pixel spreading across the screen. Full screen optimization and admin privileges was given a shot too but it didn't do anything. We tried to change the res and see if it was a monitor issue and herz rate too but nothing changed only turning freesync off did the trick but... There is a catch. After we turned that off he had a odd white flicker and like blue dots in it that are small, I can drop it here so if somebody could give us a hint as what to do to remove it? Because the same steps that we took for the black pixels we did for this white distortion thing too and nothing. No matter how you slice it around it still stays. Now this is only with Modern Warfare 2019 as the rest does work ok and maybe sometimes a driver timeout but that is like a minor thing since today when I tried to help him fix it didn't show up at all. We tried forcing via battlenet dx11 too, thinking via command line it would give us a different resolution but nothing worked. The issue is clearly depicted in the video above, I hope for some insight as what to do, because drivers and other common methods to go around it don't work exactly.