Lower resolutions missing with recent Catalyst drivers.
I am currently using the May drivers and l have access to resolutions like 1366*768 on both my monitors. If l upgrade to any of the latest drivers the resolution goes missing from the dropdown list. This happened on my old Radeon 380, my current Radeon 570 and the Radeon 560 l use at work on a different system. Is this a bug or is it a known problem and if so, is there a work-around since l would like to be able to update my GPU drivers to something more recent while having access to such lower resolutions like 1366*768, etc.
I am currently running Catalyst 19.5.2 which works correctly. I can't install newer drivers to see what's is displayed in "list all modes". Both monitors show 60Hz. I have tried numerous things like enabling and disabling freesync, changed bit-depth and lowered the refresh rate to 59Hz to see if the resolution becomes available with the newer drivers with no luck. Trying to add it as a custom resolution fails in Catalyst with the newer drivers than 19.5.2