Hello everyone ! I received my new laptop! So I'm trying different distributions (ubuntu 23.03, GNOME, unity, mate, …) However, for some strange reason, in games my integrated graphics card is used and not the dedicated one 🤔 ( I specify that I am 100% amd) (And I would like to avoid using windows which is in double-boot as much as possible) I am a little out of ideas 😅 thank you in advance to the generous souls who will help me !
Bonjour à tous ! J'ai reçu mon nouveau PC portable! De ce fait je suis en train d'essayer différentes distributions (ubuntu 23.03, GNOME, unity, mate, …)Cependant, pour une raison étrange, dans les jeux c'est ma carte graphique intégrée qui est utilisée et pas la dédié 🤔 (Je précise que je suis 100% amd ) (Et j'aimerais éviter d'utiliser windows qui est en double-boot autant que possible ) Je suis un peu à court d'idées 😅 merci d'avance aux âmes généreuses qui m'aideront !
You can try installing AMD Graphic Linux Driver and see if that work. I don't think Ubuntu 23.04 is officially supported but I guess you can try Ubuntu 22.04 driver.
Hi ! i've the open sources drivers already installed, do you mean i need the proprietary drivers?
I don't know the difference between both drivers. You need to ensure that Pytorch could use AMD card. As long as you can make PyTorch uses your AMD card then any driver would do.
I am not sure if my reply on the following Github issue could help.
your BIOS you need to specify the graphics device to not be IGX but EXT and select HYBRID GRAPHICS.. and set not GAME MODE but AUTO.
it also helps you need the HDMI port on the GRAPHICS card dedicated to have the HDMI cable in it.. or it boots from the one card with the screen plugged into it and often would only use that card and treat the dedicated separate unless its HYBRID graphics and you add m.GPU and add m.CPU and other functions.
try my config.ini file. see if you can find where to place it in linux. not sure if ETC conf or was it uhh.. you put it where the ini file for the resolution for KDE and such go. i game with a dozen of this .ini file copied in on android and whatever else.