You have given none of you system specs aside from GPU or really explained your exact issue to even begin to give specific advice.
I can tell you as a XFX RX 580 owner myself it does take some tweaking to be stable.
RX 580's are know to have power ceiling issues. As in it is set to low due to the AMD drivers being made for reference models and most if not all RX 580s sold at this point are custom with higher voltage and clocks.
I would suggest you raise your Power Limit to 50 This is very safe and within spec to do and adds a ton of stability to those cards. Also often needed on these are a custom fan and temp curve to help stability and limit thermal throttling. This condition can also cause hangs.
I will include my settings for Wattman in a pic below. Only follow my fan and temp curve and power limit settings. My voltage, memory and GPU settings may not be applicable to your card. Once you are stable you can try and see if you can squeeze more performance out of your card in those settings too, if you choose.