i have a question , is it possible to test if my graphic card is damaged . if yes , how and where ? have problem with a game total war troy
i m an idiot forget to translate " event viewer " , finally found it . first event info is " critic "
second info " error " ( first party ) :
second :
third :
fourth :
other in " warning " :
" warning " the end :
You can ignore "Critique - Kernel Power ID 41" because that is a normal error when your computer is shut down improperly without going through Windows.
If your computer shuts off WITHOUT using Windows to shut the computer down then that error is automatically generated.
Wow, you computer shutdown quite a bit of times on 06/09/2020.
Take a look under "Errors" anything that has "APP" or 'Application" in it and also check "MsiInstaller". See if any of those involves your game or not.
Personally I believe it is the AMD Driver or the game itself that is causing your problems.
Just for troubleshooting purposes you can download OCCT and check out your CPU, GPU, and PSU and see if your computer crashes during any of those Stress tests.
in the link u give i found this , but i can t founf Troy .exe
go test OCCT
According to OCCT Test results, you need to replace your PSU.
IF ACCURATE, OCCT is showing your PSU 12 VDC output as 11.09 VDC which is below the (-/+) 5% tolerance:
Your 3 VDC and 5 VDC are fine and within tolerances but your 12 VDC is -7.59% off.
Before replacing your PSU, you might want to get a Voltmeter and physically check to see if it agrees with OCCT results.
EDIT: Your RX480 runs off the 12VDC output from the PSU. Possibly the GPU card is not getting enough voltage to run correctly under heavy loads.
in " error " i find something for troy 40 events where there is ID 1000
i will make a test , launch ttw troy , if it bug , will post the description of the error ( if i can post this here ? )
Reveal Hidden Folders and see if you find Troy.exe in C:\Users\your name\AppData\Roaming.
ok thx , perhaps uselees but i post the last error message for bug TTW
somebody recommended this software to test your hardware. i have not personally tried it myself tho.
it should show if you gfx card has problems.
thx , but already used OCCT