I bought an 8GB RX580 GPU and when I installed it, it only shows 4gb. It has the latest drivers installed. W7-64. i7 6700, 16 RAM DDR4
what does GPU-Z show?
I have exactly the same problem.
The system(Win7x64) sees 8gb but uses a maximum of 4gb.
On win 10 everything is fine.
I need exactly win7.
Installed on different platforms 2011,1151, AM3+(tried different updates).
The result is the same-more than 4gb is not used.
maybe upgrading the RAM capacity will help with the problems, I often advocate Cramming it with RAM
Thanks.I have tried with different ram kits.on different platforms.
gpu-z shows the card as not fake etc
could be a problem with the vram, rare
Dear friend screenshots are attached.it's not even about monitoring.I know how the system works on 4GB and 8GB vram.but monitoring does not deceive.on W10 repeat all OK.
can you show a screenshot with the GPU tab on the windows 10 taskman
I have repeatedly pointed out in W10 all is well.the picture above shows the difference between W7 and W10.now there is no time to rearrange the video card . thank you very much for your desire to help.if you do not have a similar problem and do not know how to solve it, do not waste your time.Thanks for your help