Right now I have a cheap AOC monitor, and I am going to upgrade within a month, and I was wondering if it would work good for games like Paragon, Overwatch, and ARK?
You should be looking at a FreeSync capable display rather than a high refresh rate. Your eye sees inconsistencies, which is why BluRay 24hz looks smooth and games which jump between 55-65fps look juttery.
Trying to push 240hz is not too different to trying to run 4K at 60hz, at least in the way it puts a load on the card without the benefit of better resolution graphics. Seeing as the RX480 really can only run 1080p and some 2K in recent AAA titles above 60 fps, I would say that globally you probably will have issues hitting the loft goal of 240hz. I agree with the other reply, if you are trying to get rid of tearing and smooth game play a FreeSync monitor is probably a better and likely cheaper way to go. Though many high refresh rate user say they would never go back, they also utilize multiple GPUs or very high level single GPUs to do it. Or if your one of those that thinks it's the fraction of a millisecond that's killing your stats? Hey it may be, I don't judge! So the real question may ultimately be: What will make your wallet happy? Good Luck & Happy Gaming!
I'm pretty sure you won't even get close to 240 fps if you are playing 1080p.
My suggestion would to get a 120 or 144hz monitor, supposedly the eye can't see a difference above that so 240 is a waste imo and you will save some meony.
I bought my first freesync monitor about 3 months ago and i don't use Freesync. Me along with many, many other people have a issue with flickering that is annoying as hell and idk if they can fix it in a update, but there's been a bunch of updates since freesync came out and it's still broken. Yea there are people that don't have problems with it but its not guaranteed to work as it should, just search google for Freesync issues.
So my opinion would to find a 120hz 1440 monitor. 2k resolution is the bees knees and anything over 120hz is a waste imo. For 120 you will have to drop your graphic settings a lot if you are playing in 1440p tho, even some games in 1080p. Gl and i hope you find the right monitor that suits you!
Yes true many are having FreeSync issues. I think the RX 480 has been doing okay with this though. I have an RX 580 it's younger sibling, and my FreeSync works spectacularly. I however have a 32" 60 Hz 2k monitor. Every AAA title I have is able to fall into that 55-75hz sweet spot for my monitor. So it really just depends what you want. I thinks so many get so hung up on these high refresh rates. I know I enjoy playing in ultra at 2k and not having to dumb down my graphics to hit refresh rates my old eyes don't see anyway.