I live in a town near ocean and have a really big problems with salt and humidity. I bought a new GPU one year ago and it's already died by circuit shortcut, so did my motherboard. Coolers and radiators literally have big pieces of salt. Recently I bought RX5800XT and a new motherboard. How can I prevent rust or extend life of my pc without moving out?
I thought of covering components with layer of some isolating liquid like mineral oil or transformer box oil and moderate air flow. But which liquid won't affect the perfomance, won't heat up and will last longer? And also, does that affects your warranty?
Also I will mount plastic intake to limit incoming air and direct it straight to GPU and CPU radiators like guy named optimum did it on youtube. It will restrict "wet air' from other components. Farther, put some big dust filter like sponge or woman stockings or both.
And last thought is to use some dehydrating substance. Put it inside of pc and change every 3 months.
Any thoughts?
Is this a great idea or it's a great idea?