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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

GPU Radeon HD6570 4GB does not update the driver

Hello! I'm having problems with my AMD GPU (Radeon HD6570 4GB PCYes), it does not update the driver, and when I play some game, the error occurs '' The AMD video card driver has stopped working and recovered.'' App Crimson always recognizes that there is a newer driver available. I download the driver, mark all the boxes that are available. It says install and asks to restart the PC. After restarting the PC, when I will see if it was actually updated, the same version that was installed still continues and the other newer driver available. I have already tired of downloading many drivers and no working right, I have tried the driver that comes on the CD along with the GPU (Catalyst instead of Crimson), but no use, nothing updates the driver! Please help me, thank you!

(The translation may have been a little bad because I'm from Brazil, and I used Google Translate to send the message in English)

3 Replies

There are no more updated drivers for your HD 6xxx series GPU card. AMD doesn't support the HD 6xxx series card anymore. It is considered to be "LEGACY" (old). The last updated supported driver from AMD Support is from 2015 & 2016 (BETA) from here : Legacy .


I also have the same problem,
I wonder why amd not update the driver,
my video card works fine
I'm sorry to throw away the card that works,
it's like throwing money out the window


AMD hasn't updated the drivers for the HD 6000 series since 2016.

The GPU card is just too old.

In June 2021 AMD also made legacy all Non-RX GPU cards. So the last driver for those cards are from 06.2021.