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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

Freesync and G sync

Hello I would like to ask a question that will sound a little silly to you... I have monitor with Freesync
and so far it works on all games just fine, My question is this

when I have freesync it on the HZ of monitor go up and down Depending on the frames of the game,,
There is a possibility that everything that happens on the monitor forces the monitor to break down? Does he force it the panel or somthing else? I got the back closed as I always did more is psychological what I thought and I want a thorough answer

2 Replies

No, the monitor hardware is designed for an adaptive frame rate and will not cause it to break by using it.


Just as CPUs and GPUs work by changing core frequencies, adaptive sync supported monitors also work by changing their vertical frequencies with FreeSync. Some panels are launched as OC. Such panels overheat and create ripples that appear in certain colors on the image. It is more important to pay attention to these, not FreeSync.