I cant do any fan control through msi ab or asus gpu tweak on my ROG Strix rx 480 card on this 22.5.2 update. i rolled back to previous version (22.5.1) and it is working again. also GPU z is reporting wrong value on the GPU & Memory clocks (stuck @ 0hz)
Solved! Go to Solution.
As a follow up to my previous post, we are looking into this issue with fan control not working as expected in 22.5.2.
EDIT - Issue is now resolved.
Update: just installled 22.6.1 and fan control is back and working properly now
Something similar happened to me some updates ago on my RX 580 and Win 10. I had to create a custom fan curve to make it work again.
Some hours ago I wrote in a post with the same issue with a much modern GPU than mine. Here you have the links in case some of the info helps you. Rolling back, as you did, seems to be the best option.
Zero RPM on a NITRO+ AMD Radeon™ RX 6700 XT
Zero RPM on my Sapphire RX 580 4GB
I confirm, video card rx 580, MSI Afterburner no fan control in the program (in general), rolled back to 22.5.1.
I am having the same problem on my rx480 i updated my drivers to 22.5.2 and now i cant control my fans via afterburner
AMD please fix this issue
i tried fan controlling from the driver > performance > Tuning. i can set custom profile but right after few seconds of applying, it sets back to default and change all of my manual settings. i think this is a driver issue cause the previous version seems immune to this problem.
As a follow up to my previous post, we are looking into this issue with fan control not working as expected in 22.5.2.
EDIT - Issue is now resolved.
Glad its being listed as an issue. hoping for the fix. 🙂
Thank you because my RX 550 & RX 480 almost went out due to this driver. Luckily I had my BIOS modded & the hot spot & core & vrm are limited to 84°C & the shutdown is limited to 88°C. Which didn't do any damage luckily, but it would have fried it by stock if left for too long.
my rx 580 stopped the fans with the 22.5.2 driver had to immediately roll back to the previous version
I had a Sapphire RX5700XT running 22.3.1's and then upgraded to a AMD RX6750XT and installed the 22.5.2's. I was surprised in Lost Ark to be sitting at 97C in town honing (so not under load) - no fans on...I literally had heat related shutdowns in town, not dungeon crawling, not under load...
I had to manually adjust my fan settings. I left cards at default/stock for as long as I can remember.
Yeah I was shocked to see the factory fan profile on 6950 has almost no fan speed increase, and what is there is hardly effective. Another side effect is if the driver errors out (Wattman crash) it reverts to it's default state so that means no custom fan curve unless you notice and manually enable your own curve again. Not a very progressive design imho.
Same here. Don't have fan control in MSI AB in 22.5.2 update
I think #AMD did it on purpose because the cards barely break 20% fan speed & the card gets real hot real quick which can cause a stock card to fail with the 105°C limit in place. Mine is limited to 84°C with a shut down at 88°C.
Thanks for your post. I have that exact same card, and I never even thought about checking it. I am running Win 11 and I'm not sure if that is why mine is functioning as it should. But at least you got me concerned and I checked it out. Wish I could help you other than suggest the free upgrade to Win 11. I don't think you would be disappointed.
Thanks but I'm already on Windows 11 & 22.5.2 has a fan speed bug.
Update: just installled 22.6.1 and fan control is back and working properly now