Hello, Sorry for forgetting to put the actual processor and specs, it is
the FX-9830P R7, I went to dell and amd and updated all drivers, and in the
amd radeon settings it shows both, and it shows in task manager both, but
only the R7 is ever running, I've set to high performance mode, the only
things i have realized is the charger i got with it is an after market 90W,
I believe it from retail came with a 130W, Would that cause it to not run
the gpu?, If its plugged in and on lowest settings i only put 19 fps in
diablo 3, plugged in i nab about 33-38, and in task thats still the R7
showing that its the one running it, Am I wrong to assume the rx460/560
whichever should have alot more power than that, or is it because of the
wrong charger i just noticed?