I bought a laptop that has a dedicaded Graphic board, an AMD Radeon R7 M340. But I noticed that it's not being used by the system. The drive is installed and running. Energy mode is in hight performance, in the program AMD Radeon Software I chose all the settings that might push the device to work in it's best performance and possibly use the dedicated Graphic board but nothing helped me so far. I even connected my laptop to an external monitor to test using HDMI cable.
Look into your bios to see if your mb is using the igpu instead of the dedicated not sure
Well, I already tried it but I couldn't find any option like that. But thank you anyway.
Thanks for the tip. But unfortunately, I couldn't find any option that would allow me that.
Windows handles that. You have to assign the high performance graphics.
Go to System/Display/scroll down to graphics
It shows only one of them as an option.
So....choose the high power graphics?