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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

Can my PC with GPU AMD Radeon r9 360 play newer games that are in the mainstream today?

my specs

CPU intel core i7 6700 CPU @3.40 Ghz to 3.41Ghz 

RAM 16 gb

GPU AMD radeon (TM) R9 360


can my PC run AA games? i want to play elden ring, resi 8, or BOTW using emu. What should i need to do?

2 Replies

I doubt Elden Ring or RE 8 will be playable, ER has an RX 580 (4GB) as minimum requirements while RE8 has an RX 560 (4GB). But then again, depends on what's playable by your standards. Despite being 8 years old the R9 360 can be surprising, after seeing this post I looked up some benchmarks and stuff like Horizon Zero Dawn can run at like 37-43 FPS (at 720p low, of course).

Really, in your case you'll just have to try stuff you want to play yourself since the official recommendation would be no, AAA games this new wouldn't run but as someone who used to have horribly outdated hardware for a long time I know first hand that sometimes things that shouldn't work actually work provided your expectations for visuals and performance are adequate.


thanks for the reply caligo 🙂