I'm using a new build with an ASUS Dual Radeon RX 5600 XT and AMD Ryzen 7 2700X, on an ASRock B450M PRO4. I have a 2560x1440p display, connected via DP. While the performance overall is good, I'm having a little bit of an issue with artifacting around diagonal lines at shallow angles, and near-vertical lines. It seems that it is having difficulty smoothing the edges, so instead of blurring or fading, it is adding small white or black blocks (typically 4 or 9 pixels) or stretching the color of the lines out where they shouldn't be. I am seeing this in multiple games. One thing I have noticed is that enabling FXAA anti-aliasing in-game sometimes seems to help reduce, but not eliminate the issue.
Artifacting in Destiny 2:
See: https://cloud.archnet.us/index.php/s/ZeJBpb3e3apyo8n

(Notice the white spots around the pipes on the wall, and other lines)
And: https://cloud.archnet.us/index.php/s/XBF5YiKfBeRqcys

(Notice the jagged texture of the bookcase. Ignore the mid-air white spots, those are snowflakes)
Here is another example, in Armored Warfare: https://cloud.archnet.us/index.php/s/WQ2PQ2D4TpT2iyS

(Notice the jagged-looking edge on vent on the side of the tank)
Any suggestions? Thanks!