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PC Graphics

Adept III

amd wx 7100 10 bit dpc & premiere pro cc 2018

I am not able to play any video in preview of timeline or source in Premiere Pro CC 2018 when i set 10 bit DPC in Radeon PRO  Driver Preferences (Advanced option panel). I obtain only audio (Of course if the audio track is present).

I view the video only if i set in Premiere project preferences, General Panel, Rendering Option only software, no GPU acceleration.

The behavior is the same with all codecs, even if the video has been rendered with a codec 10 bit capable (for example DNX HQX).

All other option in Radeon Pro Driver are factory default.

  • AMD WX 7100
  • Desktop
  • Windows 10 64 bit
  • Radeon Pro 18.Q3.1
  • Monitor ASUS PA249Q on display port
  • Motherboard ASUS Prime X370-PRO
  • Bios 4024
  • CPU Ryzen 1700
  • Power Supply Enermax Platimax 750 Watt
  • RAM 32 GB (2x16)
48 Replies

I'm sure you were going to anyway, but please post here when the weird 10 bit color issue is fixed for the WX7100 and how to get the driver.


We already have a fix, which is going thru QA and then a new driver will be packaged.


Will this problem, with Polaris based Radeon Pro, fixed in 19.Q2 Driver?


The problem with Adobe Premiere CC is resolved in an earlier driver version

OK perfect, many thanks


Glad it will be an earlier release than Q2.  Seeing as how Q2 release is in May, though, does “earlier” mean a few days from now, a few weeks from now, end of April?  I realize you may not know an exact date, but a ballpark estimate would be helpful as I plan projects for clients.


Hopefully we will not have to wait for Q2.  If they have a fix, hopefullyQA will finish it up soon. 


Any update on how things are going with the QA process?

Adept III

All the issues of this thread regarding PREMIERE PRO CC 2018/2019 with 10 bit enabled in the advanced panel of RADEON PRO DRIVER:

  • the initial no video showed in the preview monitors of timeline or source
  • the colors corruption always in the preview monitors of timeline or source experienced since 18.Q4.1 Driver release

are completely solved with Driver release 19.Q1.2

Many many thanks to fsadough for his precious support