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PC Graphics

Adept II

AMD removed Power Efficiency toggle from Adrenalin 2020

Without that toggle available my card keeps rising his GPU clock without any need and thus drawing much more watts and generating much more heat. I'll keep using the Adrenalin 2019 version until AMD fix it.

17 Replies
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I agree, but we require this feature because the GPU is downclocking causing severe stuttering and lag.

It worked on the FuryX but looks like it was removed on newer GPU's.

AMD put back the feature please.

So your Fury X card does "Power Efficiency" by default and enabling it on Andrenalin disable it? Funny, mine is an RX480 and works the correct order. Power Efficiency indeed can cause some stuttering due to the miscalculation of the necessary clock for a given load, it usually works better under Windows 10 than Windows 7, and is perfect to maintain the card cooled and consuming only the necessary amount of power without cost performance loss on most games, specially if an FPS limit is enabled (tested with Adrenalin 19.9.2).

Not applicable

I don't have the old Fury X anymore but I had the "Power Efficiency" option available in the Global settings panel.

I have always disabled the "Power Efficiency" setting to keep the core clock speed as high as possible.

If you enable the "Power Efficiency" setting, the core will dynamically downclock.

We own the VII now and the "Power Efficiency" is completely missing from the Global settings panel.

In 4K 60hz games, the VII will downclock to 130mhz, its stupid and AMD didn't test anything.


In mine rx480 that feature is disabled by default, but if in yours it is not, its more one reason for AMD to put it back. If AMD don't want "gamers"  to enable it by accident and blame for loss performance, they should put it somewhere, even if we needed to activate by change some regedit value. Have you already tried to disable (in your case) by regedit key?

Not applicable

I agree, we need this feature back asap.

Also I have edited so many values in the registry, no luck I'm afraid, if you can help us, please be our guest, see what you can do here.

I cant find the value in the registry?

Without the "Power Efficiency" option, the VII is a dud just like the FuryX back in 2015.


Here you go:AMD GCN POWER_EFFICIENCY_ADRENALIN_19.9.2.jpgThis is what change in registry when I disable the toggle under Adrenalin 19.9.2. Location is: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{SOME-CODE-OF-YOUR-OWN-CARD}\0000 and the key affected is PP_CNEscapeInput. I don't have the 2020 driver version, so try it and give the feedback if it works for you.

I emailed then asking for that feature back here, we have to pressure AMD:

I think they just abandoned the feature like they don't care about efficiency in their products anymore or to support those who have it embedded on driver and want to disable.


Not applicable

Hello and thankyou very much for the reply.

This is brilliant, absolutely spectacular find there, Ill report back ASAP, see if it actually works for the VII.

I'm sure many AMD users will highly appreciate this.

Also we have indeed contacted AMD directly regarding the missing Power Efficiency and still awaiting a response.

Thanks again.


There's a difference about the location of "01" with the same driver on Windows 10.


And when I let Wattman with their default, stock settings, became more easy to find the
"01". So basically that key is the Wattman settings, wich is also dangerous, since modifying it can change the graphics voltages, clocks, etc...


But one thing remain the same. In that specific graphics and driver, the hexadecimal of PE "01" is always 4 commas after the "0c".

Not applicable

Thanks for the update.

Unfortunately the strings are completely different on the VII, I sent you a message with the edits.

Thanks again.

Not applicable

if anyone has any updates on this, that would be brilliant.


We just can't enable it on 2020 drivers by ourselves, solution still is 2019 drivers for RX480 cards, but due to the delay on new drivers I'm hopping the next one will come also with the feature.

Not applicable

Thanks for the reply.

The theory is to install 19.12.1 and install the 2020 driver ini, this results in FRTC still active in the driver, 2020 driver has FRTC removed.

The issue is that we need to trick the ini into installing a FuryX driver because that's where the power options are allocated.

Also did you receive an email from AMD with the new Power Efficiency ad? 


I don't believe it would work.

I only got this generic one:

"Thank you for the email.

I will take your response as valuable email feedback and I will forward to the relevant team for further consideration.

Thanks for contacting AMD."

Not applicable

Tried many times and failed, it was worth a shot, hopefully they are implementing the feature back for the VII.


20.2.2 is out, did you already tested if it solved your issue?

Not applicable

They didn't fix anything regarding the VII.

This is the level of standard.

Journeyman III

My RVII (and V64 to some extent) are still pretty much paper weights in most low GPU utilization games, and some other workloads.

Apparently I'm only allowed 28W TDP on the card for the RVII, according to AMD.

The removal of Power Efficiency option from settings, supposedly to stop people getting poor performance when it's enabled, and then having it force-enabled on their most expensive card in years, with no way of disabling it, thus crippling it, has to be one of the most wrong headed decisions the Radeon driver team has ever made.

IMO this is far worse than the stuff Reddit are grumbling about with regard to instability - which usually ends up being W10 or failing to clean old drivers ... and this has been going on for more than 6 months now.

I'm assuming nobody has a working fix for PP tables to disable this stuff?

My ancient Fury Nano on old drivers will often get 2-4x the FPS, and much smoother frame times than my RVII in low GPU utilization games ... yet less than a third of the FPS in many new AAA games.

I contacted Igor to see if he has any idea how this might be addressed.  Hopefully he'll respond.  I get the feeling if he doesn't know, we're probably screwed.

Whether it's intended or not, this feels rather like the purposeful driver gimping NVIDIA have engaged in on some of their older generations of cards ... except that AMD are doing it to their most expensive current consumer card, as well as last gen Vega & Polaris.

If this doesn't get fixed, I'm pretty much going to have to go to NVIDIA, much as I don't want to.