Hi there,
I have been having long standing issues of when my computer re-awakens from sleep, the monitor often receives no signal from the GPU. Rebooting the PC results in the signal being returned.
The issue I have now is that after a system reboot my graphics card appears to have disabled itself.
My display resolution is stuck at 1024x768 with the option of changing it greyed out
If I try to play games that I usually have 240+ FPS at at 1920x1080 resolution I receive only 11 FPS at the 1024x768 resolution.
My device is recognized in Device Manager, but with an error occurring.
When I try updating / reinstalling drivers my card is once again detected by adrenaline software, but after the update / reinstall the card is still in it's disabled state.
No matter what I seem to try my card never re-enables itself, and I am unsure of what disabled it in the first place.
Is there anything I can do to re-enable my card, or has it become defective and I should seek out warranty replacement?
Thanks for any input and help you can offer.
I had similar problem. My RX6650XT run my game at very low fps. When I look at device manager, my display adapter was dissable with the down arrow sign. When I tried to open adrenalin software there was notification that my driver is not compatible. Then I followed the instruction to download amd driver compatibility tool. I uninstalled radeon software from the dvice manager and downloaded new software from amd. It was solve the issue. But the problem was coming back again in several days. I had to do it all over again. I dont know what seem to cause this problem repeated. Im sorry for my poor English.
This procedure to remove the card and drivers entirely might solve the issue. Make sure to do each step in order verbatim.
This is an issue well known to the community, but apparently not to AMD. The issue is unresolved since February and it doesn't look like we can expect a fix soon (or ever).
See https://community.amd.com/t5/drivers-software/monitor-fails-to-resume-from-sleep-s3-mode-with-23-2-2... for details.
To re-enable the card you can just right-click it in the device manager -> Disable it and Enable it again. But the next time your display goes to sleep it will happen again.
As a workaround you can disable "ULPS". See the thread linked above for details.
Same problem here, with my ASUS ROG STRIX Radeon RX 6650 XT O8G GAMING V2, disabling ULPS helps me.
I have been experiencing this same problem, with the added problem that my computer won't even recognize my GPU in device manager. I was wondering if you ever fixed the issue and how?
Hello my monitorin blank after sleep after i reset my pc ..my rtx 6650xt steel legend not detected .. then i uninstal driver and 1-2 days later not detected again .. can u help dor solution pls ..
Similar issue with my rx6700xt. Randomly black screens and having to readable my gpu in device manager and having to reinstall the Adrenalin software. Hopefully there’s a fix for it