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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

A6-6400k APU 2560x1080 not working

I have an a6-6400k APU installed on my windows 7 SP1, 64-bit, w/ITX board and 4GB RAM and a 600W power supply. I recently upgraded to a 21:9 monitor. According to the specs, the APU can achieve maximum resolution of 2560 x 1600. I am currently running AMD Catalyst version 15.7.1

When I go to Properties (Digital Flat Panel) my monitor (ACER ED347CKR) is identified with 2650x1080 maximum resolution and 75hz refresh rate.

When I try to switch to 2560x1080 from the Windows Control Panel Display i get a horizontally compressed screen with vertical black bars along the left and right. Looks awful

When I turn on "Enable GPU up-scaling / Scale image to full panel size" on Catalyst Properties (Digital Flat Panel) Windows Control Panel Display maxes out at 1920x1080. Looks better but the horizontal image is cutoff w/left and right sides as black bars

Any suggestions on how I might fix this?

1 Reply

need to give more information on your computer: INFORMATION REQUIRED WHEN POSTING A QUESTION .

How is your monitor connected? HDMI or DP?

Do you by any chance have the ACER Monitor Driver installed?

Downloaded the TV User Guide. Do you have the TV configured probably for the type of connection you have?

When you try 2560 x 1080 resolution, Play with the Monitor's  WIDE MODE and see if it fills the entire screen. Also make sure the Monitor is set for DDC/CI that way the Monitor can be controlled by Catalyst software.