Hi there,
Duplicate posts are against forum rules: @Matt_AMD
Good. I wish it shorts and burns your rig to hell.
guess in this time of shortage, complaining about your 9 gfx cards rig won't get you much friends here 😛
Well, the cards pay for themselves if you buy one for gaming and spend a few minutes setting it up for mining when you're not actively gaming.
How were you able to acquire 9 RX6700XT GPU Cards since they have been in very short supplies since they first came out?
I've been having this issue for about a year with a 6 6700xt rig. I can keep it mostly running by restarting once a day but I have to uninstall the GPUs that had errors in device manager, shut down the PC and completely remove power for a minute, then restart to recover. It seems to run with 5 much more reliably although even that occasionally gets errors. I'm considering just running 2 3x systems since the GPUs are the expensive part anyway and I can reuse the PSUs.