Hello I’m here to ask for help sorry if my English is bad
yesterday my pc crashed while watching a YouTube video the screen went gray with blue lines going down
I restarted the pc and tested a game it crashed immediately so I opened my pc and noticed the VGA light was on so I looked up some fixes and did all of them
1- resetting the GPU
3-tested the newest driver 24.5.1
4-tested the driver before 24.4.1
5- tested a random driver
6- deleting all new games or apps I downloaded recently
7-disabled CPU under voltage
How do I know the GPU is the problem
I tested the pc on my old GPU 5700xt and worked fine under a stress test
Before I did the fixes listed above it would crash after starting in 2-5 minutes without any stress but now it’s working no crashing without a stress I can use the pc but I can’t play anything because the 7900xtx will crash 100% of time under any kind of stress
I contacted msi for a warranty repair or replacement but they said they will receive the GPU but wont be able to send it back since I don’t live in the US
please help and tell me I can fix this
My pc specs are
GPU 7900xtx msi trio
CPU 5800x3d
Ram 64gb at 4000mhz
PSU corsair 850 80pluse Gold