the flickering looks like you either need enable enhanced sync or vsync or disable them try all combinations of those and consider using freesync. ensure your HDMI cable is 2.1 or DP 1.4 and use correct ports on your tv for input you often need a specific one. Also lower your resolution and refresh rate and see if persists. you may be exceeding bandwidth or ability of the device. (display or hdmi spec)
its because you overclocked your RAM or changed ram or timings in bios almost always never enable XMP.. configure for lower RAM latency instead and beware which secondary timings you use.
Other than that its often caused by memory integrity issues run memtest or something similar try enable ECC in bios or memory integrity and ensure windows 11 core isolation/memory integrity and all exploit protection is on.
NEVER install any overclocking software for AMD cards that isnt the adrenaline software. it will ruin your device.
Ensure you have no overlays running. turn them ALL OFF COMPLETELY.. steam/windows game dvr/radeon adrenaline overlay and test then see if its fixed. reinstall your display driver or try move to windows insider program.. ensure your cards thermals are okay the heatsink may have been lifted off or examined and not correctly reseated or insufficient thermal pads/paste contact. it may be someones trying to crypto mine off your gpu or some dumb thing or the bios was stupidly fiddled with by igors lab trash nonsense fake stuff.
dont use msi afterburner or any of that junk dont use rivatuner. use adrenaline overlay. verify your card and bios versions and bios settings or checksums match with support from AMD if you bought one that may be fake or from a crypto miner you may be out of luck. sites like are almost completely like wishes in that they rarely ever come true. buy via AMD website for AMD products or samsung website for samsung products.. thats about all you ever need to know really?
sometimes with say an APU and a GPU the onboard and the discrete card both have same settings toggled on in adrenaline.. cause conflicts. reset adrenaline to factory defaults. Sometimes things like anisotropic filtering is okay on one card but turn on with both conflicts cause bugs.
delete C:\amd and use AMD cleanup utility from website reboot to safemode and put in latest driver.
if youve an intel PC or nvidia device in with your AMD parts i'd set them on fire personally but thats your mistake to make you live your own life..
see if enabling hardwaretruevisual and hardwaretrueaudio and hardwaretruevidecorenext and fs2 SAM fidelityfxsuperresolution tressfx FEMFX and infinitycache and infinity fabric SIMD and VRS help at all? sometimes its a VRS issue too. you maybe turned on too many variable rate shaders or set it to over 1000x the default nvidia quality on a single one. you'd need to use VRS and type out variable rate shaders separately and then type out fidelityfxvariablerateshaders2x100FFFFFFFFFFFNEXT and such .. then enable them in registry also then copy the config.ini textfile with them all in it 4-10 times before you start to hit sorta uhh quality issues or artifacts at thousands of times or rather trillions of times beyond nvidia and intels ultra quality.. but just to be safe try with vrs off or on.. it may be that game title didnt specify any proper texture streaming though, use VMA and d3dma and compressonator and maybe set a texturesizelimit1.0 or 2.0 or texturequality2 ? imagequality2? hard to say really.. you cant exactly enable texturestreaming methods to the newer ones just by typing it in as they maybe formatted or packed them wrong if its a specific game title.