I would open a Support ticket with the manufacturer of your GPU card to see if it needs to be RMAed to be checked.
If it isn't under Warranty you can try and install the vBIOS of the GPU card again and see if that fixes it.
It is possible the vBIOS is putting the cap at 60c.
Is this a new or used GPU Card?
Run GPU-Z to see what BIOS version you have installed and whether the data matches the data for the GPU card from the manufacturer. You can click on the upper right corner "LOOKUP" to see the exact GPU Make & Model you have.
If used it might have been used for mining in the past and has a Mining vBIOS installed.
In that case you can download a vBIOS from TechPowerUp for your specific Make & Model and flash it to see if it fixes the problem or not from here: https://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/?architecture=AMD&manufacturer=&model=RX+6700+XT&interface=&memT...