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PC Graphics

Adept I

6700 xt, low usage, fps drops, bad performance - HELP



Im literally losing my mind. I've bought my radeon rx 6700 xt hellhound like half of a year ago and since then im trying to fix it. 

My specs:


32gb ram DDR4 3600mHz (kingston fury 2x16),

SSD lexar NM620 

PSU Thermaltake Smart SE 730W 80 Plus Gold

MO Gigabyte B660M DS3H DDR4

What fixes I've tried:

-MPO na ULPS off,

-MorePowerTool turning off DS_ 

-Changing from windows 10 to win 11

-Using most stable settings

-Locking clocks 



-Changing priorites 

-Checking cables, changing cables, rewiring cables

-adding pwr limits 

-changing from 1080p to 1440p (gpu usage goes up but fps are stil droping)

-changing and using different profiles

-adding high performance power plans

-I even switched flip on the card because some post said that is switch for "powermode"

Things I've noticed:

-GPU usage is on 99% only when the game is loading or starting,

-Changing between resolutions don't impact fps or usage

-There are some games that works very good such as Overwatch or Mordhau

-FPS and gpu usage drops while entering dynamic movements or buildngs and stay that way. (For example when im going through forest fps are high and usage is high, when im entering buildings fps are droping and usage is droping aswell)


Can I get any help? Im literally crying and thinking about switching the card 

5 Replies

What games specifically are having these issues? I myself have noticed that some older games don't let the GPUs frequency or usage go up, for some reason. For example, Dishonored last time I tried running it was only going at like 500-700 MHz, which mostly was giving me 90 or so FPS but in more intense scenarious the framerate would tank and I'd see stutters because the GPU is slacking off. And setting minimum frequencies higher didn't really do anything, performance didn't improve.

I've seen similar reports from others that have new-ish GPUs like 6000 series where the GPU is half-assing it's work in old games that are not demanding. So perhaps you're playing some older games (dx9 or sometimes even older dx11 games can behave that way)? If not it's always possible that your GPU might be defective and you might need to get it replaced or something.

I myself have a 6700XT (Sapphire Nitro+) and generally everything runs exceptionally well, except some very specific older games, like mentioned earlier. I also have every setting like anti-lag and boost and so on off, so check that, if you haven't.


thank you for you reply. Iv'e tried it on games such as:

-7days to die,

-New World,

-Hunt Showdown,

-Call of duty mw2 (warzone runs on 99% until we drop on the ground feels like my card just don't want to push more out of it),

-Escape From Tarkov,

-Vampire The Masquerade BlodHunt,


-Apex (here performance was ok but still never 99%)

-Overwatch and Mordhau 


I will try to use monitor that is 1440p to check if this might be the problem. Returning this card might be very unpleaseant process.

About anti lag and boost I've tried it aswell and nothing


Out of your list the only game I've played myself was New World and it worked perfectly fine on a 6700XT, so I guess it really is something on your end if that one has problems.

Also, check what refreshrate the monitor is running at, could be somehow connected to that, some sort of VSync or variable refreshrate shenanigans.

Perhaps it would help if you posted a video with performance overlay visible, someone might spot something unusual there.


A PC that has 99% GPU usage is likely well-balanced. GPU always at 100% while gaming implies that is nothing in your computer that will trigger a bottleneck or become overloaded. However, there is almost always a small bottleneck in systems.

Like @CaligoVereor said, Post a video with performance overlay or even a screenshot of metrics.

Most probably Adrenaline feature or are you using a third party application controlling you CPU or GPU? Any Motherboard Overclocking? And is your RAM hitting the 3600Hz?

Adept I

I might have just found out what the problem was.  So basically when I was building the pc my motherboard only allowed my pc to turn on when it had ram installed in slot 1 and 2. (im aware it supposed to be 1-3 or 2-4. What was very strange but my friend told me that if it only works like this it has to be it. Literally yestarday I've checked for new bios or mo updates and there was one and it changed whole bios. After turning on the pc a information popped up that they recommend me to changed slots of ram. I've did it and for now it looks like my pc started to work very well. If something changes I will keep u updated. Thank you for your replies and time 🙂