Hello, just wanted to make a quick post, see if anyone has any suggestions and cross my fingers that something can fix this issue. A couple days ago I got the 6700xt card, along with the 5600x and 16GB of 300MHZ ram. I have a B550 ASUS motherboard, and 1TB of SSD which I download all my games on. This card runs great on pretty much all titles I throw it at… except one, fortnite. This can can’t keep a consistent FPS for the life of it. I constantly stutter even at all low graphics (which shouldn’t be the case at all with such a new card), basically every time I turn I am found with my FPS substantially dropping, and I have no idea why. Every other game runs with no questions asks, I haven’t experienced any stuttering, but fortnite on the other hand runs terrible and is almost unplayable. I really just wanted to make this thread to see if others were having this issue, and maybe what they did to fix this annoying little issue. I can live without the game, would just be nice to be able to play it with friends when I want to and not have to go through the painful stuttering, which my card should not be putting me through.