Looking to upgrade my old 960 to a 6800. Looked up on various part picker sites and video/text reviews to get the max power spikes I can expect instead of relying on manufacturer TDP. Seems like 230 watts average with up to a 310 maximum spike but I'll give myself a margin of error of up to 350 watts spike.
My 6700k seems like it would max out at 100 watts at most.
Combined with my motherboard, RAM, fans, etc, it seems to me under realistic conditions my watts would not expand past around 410 on average with occasional spikes up to 520 at most. With the unrealistic margin of error of up to 550. So, cutting it close, but, am I wrong to assume that since my cpu is so old and draws such low power, that I should be fine continuing to use my 600 watt PSU until I upgrade my CPU as well at which case I'll get a psu with a lot more power?