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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

x470 raid crash on shutdown and restart

Hello All,

Please allow me to say hi to all the AMD peep here. I'm working on a situation that has been plaging my new Rig since I built it a week ago. It takes 5 minutes for this Rig to reboot or Shutdown using Window 10. I come to find out that there is a crash dump involved with this delay and that rcraid.sys is the offending driver.

MY system is the following:

Ryzen 2700

MSI x470 Gaming M7 AC

16GB Corsair Vengeance 3200 Memory

XFX Radeon Vega 64 8GB

EVGA 850Watt PS


     1 Samsung Pro SSD

     1 Crucial SSD

     2 300GB WDs in raid 0

I've attached the referencing logs to the issue at hand. Effectively, windows is telling the rcraid.sys to start the "POWER_DOWN" and rcraid.sys does not know what that command is. Thus, it sits till the timeout from Windows hits and creates a dump and forces an "unclean" reboot of the system.

The next piece that is concerning me, which might be related is every time the system does come back up, it states the 2 SSDs were newly inserted into the Channels and treats them as new drives, when they have been there the entire time.

Anything here able to help with a way to solve this? I did a clean install of the drivers, twice and still having this issue. Do I have a Bad Raid controller and need to RMA the board? Thank you in advance for the assistance.

Best Regards,


13 Replies
Journeyman III

umm. no comment from anyone on this one.. that is a bit concerning..


I've had exactly the same problem, but on x370, 4-5 mins reboot. However, after 1803 (build 17134.165) it somewhat went away I suppose. I'm not 100% sure tho, because after update (like a week ago) I rebooted a few times, and it was OK (30 sec or so).

That being said I noticed yesterday that update has set my power profile to High Performance, instead of usual Power Efficient I'm using, and until I reboot again (may be another week or so 😃 I cannot confirm if it wasn't low power profile issue.

So if a reboot is not a big issue for you (I have long running workloads) try to switch power profiles, and maybe update to 1803 if you still didn't.

Also seeing the same problem I've had for about past year I got to ask: Do you run boot from raid array like I do with SSD-s? And if you do then possibly do you have random system freezes for like 30-60 seconds with 100% system disk usage, which happens randomly anywhere between 30 minutes to maybe 1 hour?


My situation is on 1803 Win10, which was  a fresh install. The Raid drivers were added at the time of install as the OS did not recognize the RAID when I was doing the install.

You stated your profile is "High Performance". I'll give that a shot as it, sort of, makes sense since this is a "gaming" MainBoard.


"Gaming" motherboard is just marketing stunt doesn't really mean anything, and it can be used for everything and mostly have exactly the same components as "Pro" or any other mobo. The difference usually is in NIC or Audio chipset. AFAICT Raid controller is the same on x370, B350, x470 and B450 and it's not even AMD one but outsourced to some other small company. That's why support is so sketchy for it, especially under Linux, and for dualboot people using raid it's a problem.

Only thing I miss after switching to Ryzen is definitely IRST.

But I was curious about that change to High Performance, and i found out that it is SteamVR that is doing this, not Win update. However, I still have like 2 days of processing before I can check reboot using different power profiles.

BTW my driver versions atm are 8.1.0-00073 for rcbottom.sys and rcraid.sys


Just a follow-up. I had a chance to reboot a few times during the weekend. Unfortunately, my idea of switching power profiles didn't do anything. So I assume that after all that earlier Windows update had something to do with it. Also, I updated to 18.10 chipset and 9.2.070 raid driver today, and reboot still working fine.


Na, people cruise the AMD strip all the time.

I might be  able to point you in right direction for this,

Did you remove . Delete manually the Win-10 out-of-box Services and drivers ? Windows-10 now handles all AMD HDD/SSD Sata /Raid drivers, until removed and replaced

>>> >>>I have a screenie saved of what windows-10 installs prior a clean install if needed <<< <<<



I don't fully understand what you mean here and am hoping you are about to clarify. The OS did not recognize by RAID till after I installed the AMD drivers, but that might not mean the SSD are using the AMD's drivers.

are you able to provide some more information on this? Thank you for replying.



Might want to take a look at this MSI AMD RAID ARRAY CONFIGURATION guide. You might have the SSDs misconfigured in the RAID thus causing RAID not to recognize or fully use the SSDs correctly. :

This previous AMD Forum thread seems to be similar to your issue: RaidXpert reboot and shutdown issue

Proper X470 RAID CHIPSET for your Motherboard: X470 Drivers & Support | AMD

This from MSI Support on your Motherboard concerning SSDs and RAID: Support For X470 GAMING M7 AC | Motherboard - The world leader in motherboard design | MSI Global

I want to create Raid array with 2 of my M.2 NVME PCIe SSDs, can this motherboard support it?

This chipset only supports SATA device for building RAID.

Are your SSDs ME.2 or SATA Connected?

If both SSDs are ME.2 that would explain why RAID is crashing.
By any chance, you are not using STOREMI just the regular SATA RAID.


My SSDs are SATA 6.0 and are not in a RAID. I have 2 7200 RPM Western Digital SATA drives that are in RAID0. Of course, when you enable RAID, the RAID chipset takes over all the SATA ports, but see my SSDs as "NON-RAID" Legacy drives. It also seems to think they are new drives on every boot.

I'm using Raid drivers, but my Chipset Drivers seem to be stuck on 18.5.1, even when I install the 18.10 drivers. Have no idea why that is happening or how to resolve it, but that might be the fix.

Also, I'm on the MSI boards am working with them on this same issue. I have cleared the CMOS and am on the newest BIOS for the mainboard, recommended by MSI.

Any more thoughts? think is I can get the Chipset looking correct for drivers, we might make it.



You have the latest version of RAID installed. Under the latest AMD CHIPSETs (version 18.10) the RAID drivers are from 6/2018.

Have you considered using STOREMI?  That is meant to use SSD plus one Hard drive to make a RAID Type array. But you must uninstall all RAID Drivers and software from your computer before installing STOREMI.

Here is information on that new type of RAID Array:




I updated my Radeon drivers from 18.5.1 to 18.8.1. I then tried the 18.10 AMD chipset drivers again. This time, they were showing I had 18.8.1, thus they are reading off my video installation instead of a "chipset" looking at the driver versions in the Chipset install 18.10, I do see that my current device manager drivers are the same version which the 18.10 install would be adding.

I'm not interested in "STOREMI" as I'm not using my drives and have no intention to use them that way. I have my configuration for a purpose and it has worked without issue for years, till this new mainboard. If RAID is supplied with the system, it should work. thus , I'm trying to understand why it is not and is the last piece I need to resolve on this system.

Any other ideas? Possibly from AMD, as it's their chipset and drivers that seem to be the issue.

Best Regards,



Have you tried opening a AMD EMAIL SUPPORT Ticket?

You have to realize AMD Forums is not AMD SUPPORT. These Forums are moderated by AMD Employee but the forum's Posts and answers are all from other Users. This is a User to User Forum. As I mentioned, to actually contact AMD SUPPORT, you need to open a EMAIL or Online AMD Issue Report. The AMD Issue Report filled online just makes AMD Support aware of a problem and that is all, no feedback. But by EMAIL SUPPORT they generally reply back to you.

You can open a AMD EMAIL SUPPORT TICKET from here: Email Form .

I know that amdmatt​, one of the AMD Forum's Moderator seems to be knowledgeable about RAID on the newer Motherboards. Maybe he will reply and give you some idea what could be wrong. He was one of the Users that commented on the AMD Forum Thread that I linked in the previous comment. Also ray_m Employee , who is the second AMD Moderator,  might be able to assist who also is a AMD Employee.

Otherwise, I am out of ideas since I don't have RAID on my computer. I am not experience in troubleshooting RAID issues except just giving to some basic suggestions.

Journeyman III

I have a similar setup, MSI x470 Gaming Plus with a Ryzen 7 2700 cpu, 16 GB Corsair 3200 ram, 500 GB Samsung 970 M2 SSD for a boot drive. This is a new build, and it all went well. It would go to sleep and resume just fine.

I had two WD 1TB HDD I later configured to a RAID 1. Things went downhill from there. When the computer resumed from sleep, it rebooted. If I forced sleep mode, the screen shut off and it hung.

I tried everything. I uninstalled all of the AMD drivers, used the driver removal tool too. Reinstalled the drivers, nada. Then it just got worse, I really thought I had a either a bad board or a bad power supply.

When I unhooked the raid drives, and turned the bios back to default non raid mode, it would crash. Then windums tried to "repair" and that was it. It would not boot up for anything I did. I tried to reinstall windows but there was an error preventing me from installing on the M2 drive.

I gave it one last hurrah, all drives disconnected but the M2, used the secure delete in the bios to wipe the SSD, unplugged the PS, held the clear CMOS button for a full 10 seconds, reset to default values, and THEN I was able to reinstall windows, thank you very much!! I might add I avoided using MSI drivers, instead using the AMD's instead. So far so good.

And now all is well, all of the other drives are connected and working fine, but no RAID, I ain't going there again. Sleep and resume work perfectly and is very stable, I run it at a mild overclock of 3600 MHz.

This is my first MSI motherboard. The instructions are lame to non-existent and the web site is useless and horrible to look at. The forum is a joke, the layout is stupid as is black back ground with white letters. I wish I would of spent the money and went ASUS. OH well, cheap charley pays twice.....

I wanted to share my experience and my opinion that the RAID is buggered up and I would avoid using it.

IF you do try the raid, make sure you have a good back up, IE, a system image.

