Hi all,
Forum noob here.
So I have a triple display Eyefinity setup. I have the Windows taskbar position set to the middle display. But when I boot up it will sometimes move to the designated position and sometimes it won't. Most of the time it won't. If it won't, the only way to resolve it is to open up the advanced Eyefinity settings via the Radeon Settings app. Then it resolves automatically without me doing anything. It's not the end of the world but it is a pain and quite annoying.
Anyone else experienced this issue? Is there a solution or am I looking at a bug?
I am currently on the latest beta 19.2.1 but it has happened with all versions since the feature came out last year some time.
Thanks in advance.
Does no one have any insight into this issue? Have no AMD mods seen this issue before?
Still happening, peeps. Is this forum just not very active or has no one actually experienced this problem?
Mods? AMD devs? AMD gurus? Help!
This is a user to user forum AMD Support Forums - Rules & Regulations & Terms of Membership
If nobody has had any similar issues...don't expect a reply.
Setting Up and Configuring Multiple Displays to Run in AMD Eyefinity Mode | AMD
If you want to contact AMD, use one of the many portals.
Ok, cool. No need to be snippy about it!
You could also try asking on a dedicated OS forum, e.g. https://www.tenforums.com/
Check for Driver and Windows Updates,check this article