Any chance there's a list, or preferably a spreadsheet with card models and the latest Windows (or other OS) driver support for that/those cards?
For example, I'm looking for an AGP card for an other machine and want to know if which of the AMD (ATI?) video graphics cards I should look to buy so it'll be supported in the OS I want to run. In my case, Windows 7, with AGP card slot, but having at least a list of the card models with what the latest Windows OS driver is or is not available, something like:
Radeon 9600 XP SP3
Radeon 9700 XP SP3
Radeon X9500 Vista
Going through all the legacy cards and clicking through to drivers page gets tedious... 🙂 OR, a reverse lookup page that you can plug in the OS you want to run and find cards/models supported?
Thanks for any tips