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PC Drivers & Software


Windows 7 AMD Radeon R9 M200x No Brightness Control

Hi there,

I've always had issues with this card and the brightness controls after driver updates. However, up until now a registry hack has resolved the issue.

Basically - each time the driver is updated, the brightness control stops working. The keys move the slider, but no change in brightness occurs.

(Actually, this time it was a total nightmare - the update blue-screened my laptop and I had to uninstall everything (including the Intel card) and start all again)

I've tried the registry hack, but the key (KMD_EnableBrightnessinterface2) is no longer there. Creating it doesn't help.

I've tried disabling adaptive brightness etc, but again nothing.

Hoping you guys have had some more luck...

Any ideas?

Windows 7 64-bit, Samsung Series 7 Chronos laptop.

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