Why is Microsoft Windows 10 64bit automatically installing >1.5year old Crimson (17.1.1) drivers on my PC when 18.7.1 is the latest available driver for my cards?
Is it not possible for AMD Drivers Team to work with Microsoft to solve this problem of installing the very old drivers on peoples PC's or Laptops?
I feel this situation is well beyond a bad joke now, I am really tired of this happening.
System Information.
CPU: i7-4790K
GPU: Sapphire R9 Fury X Primary. PowerColor R9 Nano Secondary.
Motherboard: ASUS Z97 Deluxe Dual with NFC & Wireless. Bios reflashed with latest available from ASUS last week.
RAM: Corsair Ballistix Tactical Low Profile.
SSHD: Seagate 1TB.
OS: Windows 10 64bit Pro 18.03 updated today. All System Checks pass.
AMD Driver Adrenalin 18.7.1 (before I uninstalled it in control panel, booted into safe mode to run DDU, rebooted into Windows 10 64 bit).
Here is a description of what happened.
I am about to run some important work using my PC and I wanted to make sure my PC System was clean, checked and running with the latest available Windows 10 Pro Updates and latest available AMD Drivers.
I ran Windows Updates first.
I then ran various system checks to make sure that the Windows Installation was clean and verified versus Microsoft latest image using DISM commands. Everything is fine. uninstall
Finally, I used control panel to uninstall Adrenalin 18.7.1, boot into Safe mode, run DDU version to uninstall any traces of AMD or Nvidia Drivers, reboot into Windows 10 64bit in preparation to install an already downloaded, fresh copy of the Adrenalin 18.7.1 driver for Windows 10 64bit from the AMD Drivers page.
On reboot I checked Device Manager and checked that Microsoft Basic Display Adapters were being used for my cards. They were. The previous AMD Driver had been uninstalled for sure.
I was just about to click install on the fresh copy of the Adrenalin 18.7.1 driver for Windows 10 64bit installer when my Screen when blank, flashed a few times and then recovered.
Microsoft had decided to install what it thinks is the correct copy of the AMD Drivers 'needed' for my machine.
Here is what it installed:
My question is not "how can I prevent Microsoft Windows 10 64bit from automatically installing drivers".
I understand that I could use gpedit to set Group Policy to prevent this in the past.
My question is why are Microsoft installing such old AMD Drivers on peoples machines?
That driver is not even supposed to work with Windows 10 18.03 Update!
Please do not tell me this is just a Microsoft problem or say this is all Microsoft fault.
I will open a support case with Microsoft about this again.
I will open an Email Form support case about this with AMD.
If you read this post and have seen a similar problem I ask you to also open an email support case about this.
This problem has been going on for far too long.
Can AMD Drivers Team please talk with Microsoft and get a fix to this problem of installing very old/wrong AMD drivers on consumer PC&Laptop
This problem is particularly important for AMD users with older laptops with mixed pre-GCN APU and discrete GCN GPU.
Thank you.
Adrealin 18.7.1 Installer Window Starts.
10. Adrenalin Installation Proceeds.
11. First Stage of installation completed. I then get asked if I want to install ReLive. I decided to install it:
12. Running the AMD Adrenalin 18.7.1 Installer completes. No indication or warning was given that there was already an AMD Driver on the system before AMD the Adrenalin 18.7.1 installer was launched. Here is the screenshot.
13. I also get this message when I close the installer. Everything is fine. Or is it?
14. I start Radeon Settings. I see this:
15. In Radeon Settings -> System -> Overview I see this:
So who trusts what AMD Driver exactly is on my system after all of this?
Sorry, but I do not.
That is the end of the sequence showing what happen during the installation process.
the quality of the pictures is painful
DID YOU USE?: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4026726/windows-hide-windows-updates-or-driver-updates
OK I tried your suggestion to use https://community.amd.com/external-link.jspa?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsupport.microsoft.com%2Fen-us%2Fhelp%...
It did not work.
Thanks anyhow.
1. i am calm - i just wanted to put emphasis on it
2. what that offical MS tool do is preventing your PC to run a specific update - in your case the AMD Driver install
3. if there is wu-ccc2 in C:/AMD/ pls delete it - this will trigger to install the driver provided by WindowsUpdatehttps://www.howtogeek.com/235474/how-to-roll-back-builds-and-uninstall-updates-on-windows-10/
so pls reverse that WindowsUpdate AMD Driver (like shown in How to Roll Back Builds and Uninstall Updates on Windows 10)
run the tool and hide that specific update (How to Hide/Block Windows Updates in Windows 10 RTM)
delete the wu-ccc2 (or at best ANY folder in C:/AMD)
reboot into safe-mode
run DDU in safe-modereboot into normal windows
install your latest driver from amd.com
test again
I honestly did exactly what you asked above.
It does not work, as I have replied twice before (just because you asked twice in different places in the thread, and it might look like I was not trying it out.)
1. I uninstalled the Microsoft installed AMD Drivers
2. I made sure the Microsoft Basic Display Adapters were installed.
3. I ran the the tool identify and block updates. It did Identify that AMD Drivers were to be installed and it did say it blocked those intended updates.
4. After running that tool I searched for and found the wu-ccc2 folder, there was only one. I deleted it to recycle bin first then emptied recycle bin.
5. I booted into safe mode.
6. I ran the very latest version of DDU.
7. I booted into normal mode.
8. I installed the latest version of the AMD Driver.
Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 18.03 64bit decided to reinstall the wrong version of AMD Radeon Settings 17.1.1 with Driver version 17.4.4 whilst I was at point 4.
I tried the same operations as above again, but removed the entire contents of C:/AMD immediately after 1.
That did not work either.
I have set the Group Policies to prevent Automatic Driver install.
I have also set "do not allow Microsoft to install drivers" via Control Panel Advanced settings.
I think we should drop this one now.
Thanks again.
usually wu-ccc2 folder triggers WindowsUpdate to auto install driver - even if auto-driver-install is off
try to remove ALL temp files - maybe it is stored elsewhere and repeat all steps (step 0 = disable auto driver)
also i think there is nothing AMD can do about it other than talking to MS - because it looks like their fault
Which temp files? I removed the entire C:/AMD Folder. I have cleaned the C: drive of temporary storage.
I used Disk Manager to disconnect all drives apart from C: when I was testing your suggestion.
I have disabled the auto driver install.
I have, according to MS Support set the Group Policies correctly to prevent driver updates.
They are investigating it.
I have to update this post with a few more numbered screenshots (sorry about that) and I will be talking with them as soon as I can.
If I seem slow to update this post sometimes it is because I have work to do and I use this and other machines to do it.
RE: :there is nothing AMD can do about it other than talking to MS.
Oh yes there is.
There is lots that AMD should be doing about this situation.
They need to take some ownership for once, stop saying it's all Microsoft fault, and sort this out.
They should be concerned about this, as it is likely giving poor user experience. potentially corrupted driver installations with subsequent unstable GPU behavior, games crashing, support overhead, RMA'd cards, unfair blame on and perception of AMD GPU hardware with properly installed drivers.
Customers are likely walking away from AMD because of this and other poor driver experiences.
I think they should.
1. Work with Microsoft to ensure that Microsoft have enough information to detect which AMD Card is/are installed on a PC/Laptop and know which is the correct AMD Driver to install. AMD should be testing which AMD drivers get installed by Microsoft Update. Based on what I have seen, they do not.
2. AMD Installer needs to be able to detect and warn the user if there is already an AMD Driver installation indicated by Device Manager. The installation should stop if there is a pre-existing AMD Driver installed. Just read AMD own Driver Installation notes. Users are supposed to remove any old driver installations, before installing the new one, otherwise a corrupted driver installation could be the result.
3. Why do I constantly get told to download and run DDU in safe mode. Why can AMD own uninstaller not do a good enough job to uninstall their own Driver Software? Why do they leave large amounts of data under C:\AMD and not clean that up? If they can't manage to write a good enough uninstaller then buy or license the use of DDU. It is unfair to the person who writes DDU if they are not getting paid for their efforts.
4. Why are they leaving it to AMD users to point these things out to them. Why should someone like me have to loose productive time to report issues about an AMD software installer in 2018, and take flak on this forum for doing so in the process?
Note: I am aware that there might be something wrong with my Windows 10 Pro 64bit 18.04 installation that means I cannot prevent these automatic updates,
even though the installation passes system checks etc. I am currently testing another Windows 10 Pro 64bit 18.04 installation non another different machine to see how that behaves.
Even if this turns out to be some weird bug or problem on my particular Windows installation my points above still stand.
Think what you want of me, a complainer, a pain, someone who 'wont just let it go'.
But if AMD actually fixed the above issues I am sure that would reflect in more profits and success for them and their users.
That is something I, for one, want to see.
We all need competition to Nvidia in the GPU space for consumers/gamers, if nothing else.
dude - its a MS problem - AMD only can talk to MS; and MS isnt known for favouring AMD (yet i hoped that XB360 and XB0 changed that)
btw - i had that some time ago with my Laptop - i posted here how to fix it
with temp i mean the stuff windows downloads - the updates are downloaded, stored and checked before installed - maybe there is wu-ccc2 left (but it will be named different, or being packed etc)
use win10 disk cleanup
last possibility is wipe SSD and reinstall your Win10
about 1.) AMD does that - its MS that wants WQHL
about 2.) AMDs driver HAS THAT OPTION already - called "CLEAN INSTALL"
about 3.) i pay for DDU // AMD could be the first to implement that feature - but that would most likely result in 2 reboots instead of one - and most users dont want that... // btw same goes for Intel or Nvidia
about 4.) xD - I dont have that problem (now)! if you dont report that problem how should AMD notice? as i said hundreds of times - there are over 100k possible HW combos & those can have millions of SW combos - ITS NOT POSSIBLE FOR AMD TO THINK ABOUT EVERYTHING! (even the richest company on that planet cant do that - and they produce their OS, software and drivers for only a couple of HW combos!)
i also want to see that AMD sells more than today - competition is needed; drivers are a part of that
Hey, capital letters again.
(1). Isn't working properly, so if AMD are doing it, they are doing it wrong.
(2). Clean Uninstall is irrelevant to that point.
(3). Yes we pay for DDU because AMD don't uninstall their own drivers cleanly.
(4). They might not be able to think of everything, but their installer should at least detect if AMD Drivers are already on the PC and not overwrite them.
... dont you get it?
1. (it) is Microsofts fault - only their fault - nothing AMD can do about it...
2. ??? didnt you just said you want that feature by AMD? - but i know that this wouldnt help your for your problem
3. Wagnardsoft is creating Software tools (Display Driver Uninstaller, DDU) | Patreon - has 13 patreons (total of 25$ per month) - so which of that 12 others is you? - btw what do you say about his plans?
4. ... AAAHHHHH (pls translate "Verzweifelung") - colesdav please download any AMD crimson driver (that work with your GPU) - run it and say if it detects the driver installed and compares it to the driver you want to install
again: your problem is caused by Microsoft. and they have to fix it // i provided all help i could to fix it // you can yourself try to find more infos about "wu-ccc2 Win10 error" and you will see that they all say the same as me
Please remember to keep things civil towards each other and on topic, thank you.
1. Unless you work for AMD you just don't know that.
2. I am not responding to that, I see no point in trying to talk to you about it any more, you don't get it.
3. I never claimed to be a Patreon backer of Wagnardsoft. I really do not know what you are talking about.
You seem to be way off topic there. Are you trying to insult me?
See this, people can Donate if they want to without being on the Patreon list.
4. The wu-ccc2 'workaround' you provided does not work to solve the problem. Sorry if that upsets you. I tried it properly it does not work.
I get it that you speak German, this is an English language forum, I don't see why you keep quoting German at me. I shouldn't have to translate anything.
1. i know people working for MS and AMD - they both say that (i also know gamedevs from "known" companies)
2. ...
3. yeah fair - some people donate via paypal etc - than thank you for supporting great software // and i never insult anyone
4. wu-ccc2 is YOUR PROBLEM: "Win10 installs AMD driver automaticly even if newer driver is installed and auto-driver-install is disabled" - that is your error - and i provided the solution that worked for 99.9% of the users // BUT MS changed some stuff recently about their auto-driver install // that is why we now have to disable internet before using DDU in safe-mode and have installed newest driver - when this is finished (and auto-driver is disabled) it should work // and as i said: i think there is wu-ccc2 still on your system - not in C:/AMD but in the place where WU stores its downloaded updates
Win10 Creators and AMD Driver - bugged
W10 New Install Driver Issues - Overclock.net - An Overclocking Community
Windows 10 Help Forums - wu-ccc2
i just posted one word in german that translates to "desperation" - because that is what i feel
amdmatt - sry if it seems offtopic - but it isnt (what 4. clearly shows)
and colesdav seems not to understand that his error is a Microsoft error and not an AMD error - and that AMD really cant do much about it...
Did u try the program i said?
I am snowed under with work using this machine.
I have not tried that yet, no, I intend to try it, I will report my results using that as soon as I can, thanks.
Meantime, I have been investigating what happens on a different PC with Windows 10 64bit Pro 18.04 on CBB Updates.
That machine has an Nvidia Primary GPU and R9 Nano secondary GPU.
I cannot remove the Nvidia drivers at the moment because of work I am running on it.
I can confirm so far on that machine:
if I set Group policy to allow Windows to automatically update my drivers.
Uninstall the 18.7.1 driver for the Secondary R9 Nano.
Run Windows Update.
Let Windows download and install the driver.
Windows is installing the same AMD Settings 17.1.1 + 17.4.4 driver combination for the R9 Nano.
If I then run the Adrenalin Installer for 18.8.1, it does not even see that AMD Crimson ReLive 17.1.1+17.4.4 drivers are on there.
The install proceeds and completes.
I do not know what that does to the driver install, not sure AMD does either.
Again, sorry I have not had the time to try the program you pointed me to.
I need to work and meet deadlines and earn money for it, like everyone else.
I get nothing for debugging and reporting AMD Driver/ Install problems on this forum.
u run 18.7.1
You forgot to show the processes between 10 & 11.
Seeing as this is for MS Support.......
Yes I know.
Point completely understood and feedback appreciated .
I have tried both. In the example above I used Custom install and selected all options.
Unfortunately I cannot find my screenshot for showing that at the moment. I did take screenshot for that. I am looking for it ...
Thanks again.
Here I point out that the AMD Adrenalin 18.7.1 Installer does detect that 18.7.1 Adrenalin Driver is already installed on my machine.
In the case where I have Microsoft Installed 17.1.1/17.4.4 driver mix, the above screen does not even show up.
The Adrenalin Driver has no Idea that the incorrect Microsoft installed AMD 17.1.1/17.4.4 Driver is even on the machine.
My confidence level that the AMD Drivers Team test for this situation is zero.
Since I just got notification that new drivers are available.
I am about update my AMD Driver to 18.8.1.
The Release notes are here: Radeon™ Software Adrenalin Edition 18.8.1 Release Notes | AMD
They include the following:
For detailed instructions on how to correctly uninstall or install Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition, please refer to the following support resources:
I want to point out that this: How-To Uninstall Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition on a Windows® Based System
says nothing about "Wait for two minutes until Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 18.03 64bit installs AMD Crimson ReLive 17.1.1/17.4.4 Driver mix back onto your machine.
And this How-To Install Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition on a Windows® Based System
Specifically states the following:
"Ensure that any existing AMD graphics driver on the system is removed before installing a new driver package. Performing this step first prevents potential file conflicts which may corrupt the installation of new drivers"
I have a very simple solution for you,
Use this program -> O&O Shutup10 v1.6.1398 -> Done!
Also if u use DDU, windows wont install any drivers.
Never happened to me.
RE: Use this program -> O&O Shutup10 v1.6.1398 -> Done!
Thanks I will look into that, but it is not the root cause of the problem.
AMD and Microsoft need to sort this out.
I have started to get responses from AMD and Microsoft email support and I will let everyone know what the conclusion is for that.
RE: Also if use DDU, windows wont install any drivers.
If you read my post above you will see I do exactly run DDU in Safe mode, reboot into normal mode, and Windows 18.03 Pro 64bit on CBB Update branch still automatically install the incorrect version of the AMD 17.1.1/17.4.4. driver mix which is not the correct driver at all. I have set the correct group policy etc that should prevent Windows 18.03 Pro CBB from installing Drivers, according to Microsoft tech support discussions so far. They recommended I set the options I had already been using.
RE: Never happened to me.
Lucky you.
Were you running the Windows 18.03 Pro 64bit on CBB Update branch patched as of yesterday?
It did not happen to me on 17.09, provided I was setting the recommended group policy to prevent driver updates.
The time between the Microsoft Auto Update of Driver also varies. Fastest I have seen is 2 minutes. Longest today was 10 minutes.
It is easy to miss it happening if you are not specifically watching out for it.
Thanks again for pointing me to O&O Shutup10 v1.6.1398
yet again - did you HIDE THE UPDATE (of AMD driver) with the official MS tool i posted you?
would be nice if you post a picture of that too - that would ACTUALLY help you, MS and us
What's with the "capital letters" in your reply.
I think you need to calm down.
I didn't try it.
I didn't think it would work.
I already have a temporary work around yesterday which is to turn off my internet router so that my PC cannot connect to the internet during driver install.
I will take a look when I get time.
Yes I tried it.
It does not work.
Thanks anyhow for your suggestion.
colesdav Yes i use 1803.17134.191
Thanks for the information.
That's the same build I am running according to winver.
Maybe there is a Windows Update that is causing a problem on this machine.
This problem is still happening.
Fresh install of Windows 10 64 bit 18.04 from ISO.
DDU and clean install of Adrenalin 18.10.2.
Got a notification whilst using Adrenaliun 18.10.2 that 18.11.1 was available - looked at release notes, stating fix for Radeon Overlay causing Crashes/hangs.
Selected a clean install.
On reboot, Microsoft installed AMD Ctimson 17.7.1 drivers before the AMD Installer launched to complete the Adrenalin 18.11.1 install.
In other words the AMD 18.11.1 installer overwrote an existing AMD 17.7.1 installation that Microsoft installed first, did not detect it's presence, and installed over it.
I have only one C: drive connected to the machine and there is nothing related to AMD Crimson 17.1.1 in the C:\AMD folder.
AMD drtiver installtion instructions say not uninstalling a driver first and simply installing over an existing driver will result in an unstable system, yet your own installer does it.
I reported this issue many months ago, asking AMD to talk with Microsoft and find out why their Automatic Driver installtion in Windows 10 installs such old drivers.
I received an email saying that this issue was being passed on for internal review by the AMD driver/software team.
I don't think anything was done at all to fix it.
Here I am, months later seeing the same problem.
I am more than happy to help your drivers team to investigate this issue.
Whilst I really feel like telling you to investigate these bugs internally, that clearly does not work to get anything fixed.
Unfortunately this isn't new. Don't confuse the AMD drivers from the Microsoft Repositories as being on the level of a driver supplied by AMD. They behave more akin to how the old standard VGA drivers used to work in Windows. When the driver actually from AMD installs, it isn't really installing over, it is replacing it. There really isn't anything AMD can do about this as it is MS's driver at that point (yes even though it may say AMD or ATI all over it) being replaced not AMD's. This is why it is so important especially as of late to make sure you get a clean install or the initial driver you install from AMD by doing DDU from safe mode, disconnecting form the Internet and then installing the driver you actually got from AMD. This should allow it to clean install and not be interfered with by Windows trying to install repository drivers from their end. Hope that makes sense.
It needs to get sorted.
If not for me or you or others on this forum who are aware of it, for everyone using AMD Drivers who is not.
I ran the clean Install and update as I am supposed to.
There is nothing in the AMD Adrenalin Driver telling me to disconnect from the internet.
On reboot, Microsoft installed 17.7.1 driver again, automatically, and then the Adrenalin Driver Clean Install and update install proceeded.
So it went from this sequence - > Remove 18.10.2 -> Reboot-> 17.7.1 installed-> 18.11.1 installed.
It would probably be safer to just overwrite 18.10.2 with 18.11.1 and forget uninstalling anything in the first place - it would probably save everyone time.
I am just giving feedback about what is happening. It is up to AMD to sort this out with Microsoft and fix this installer and the drivers they are pushing out.
Alternatively just remove the Clean Install and Update option in the Adrenalin Driver, Press a button and download the full 18.11.1 driver installer, give a link to directlry download DDU, disconnect the PC from the internet and reboot you into safe mode so you can run DDU, reboot into windows in normal mode, with your internet connections disabled, run the full 18.11.1 installer. Then reconnect to the internet.
The current clean install and update method is broken.
Has not happened to me, and I do not disconnect from internet.
But I'm not repeatedly reinstalling windows.
RE: Has not happened to me, and I do not disconnect from internet.
If you mean running 18.10.2 Clean Update and Install to a new version of 18.11.1 from the Adrenalin GUI?
I respond with the following points.
1. Have you purposely tested it for 1 day and looked for it? I have. I did not re-open this can of worms again without testing multiple times and investigating what breaks it. I did not ignore to check for the issues that were suggested last time around. I am reporting a real problem.
2. It is hard to spot.
3. It depends how long it takes your PC to shut down after the Adrenalin Driver removal happens. If, for whatever reason your PC takes a while to shut down then the Microsoft Automatic 17.1.1 driver installation can happen before shutdown is completed. The time it takes for that to happen will be up to Microsoft, and varies.
4. It depends how long it takes for the Adrenalin Driver Installer to start after PC Boot up and login. Again, the Microsoft Automatic 17.1.1 driver installation can happen before shutdown is completed.
5. When the Adrenalin 18.11.1 installer starts, it does not check that Device Manager -> Display Adapters = Microsoft Basic Display Adapter before proceeding. It does not check to see that the very old AMD Crimson 17.1.1 drivers have installed by Microsoft. It does not see that AMD Settings 17.1.1 is also, sometimes installed. It does not tell me my existing Driver is 17.1.1 and the new driver to be installed is 18.11.1
I guess you are implying that I am the only person that this has happened to, or that it is "user error or maybe suggesting I am incompetent?
Here is the 'back story' to this one.
I had to reinstall Windows 10 because I was using Radeon Overlay, it caused a BSOD, and my PC was hit with a verified Microsoft Update bug that prevents recovery of the installation if Automatic Repair is run. Restoring from Windows 10 system image backup is not an option in this case. The cause of the BSOD is not hardware related. The SSHD disk the OS failed on checks out fine, however just to be safe I installed a fresh copy of Windows 10 on a brand new Seagate 2TB Drive.
So that was my starting point for working on Windows 10 again with AMD Drivers.
Since a fresh install means loosing all previously installed programs and user data, it is an easy decision to simply wipe and reinstall the OS if I think something has been corrupted in the OS following a BSOD or crash caused by AMD Drivers. The games I test the drivers on are on a completely separate hard drive and are always ready, all I have to do ius install a new game install client such as Origin.
I reported the problems with the AMD Installer and the fact that Microsoft is installing very old AMD drivers many months ago. Filed AMD Reporting Forms, submitted Email Support Requests. All I get told is the issue was passed on to the AMD Software Team for Internal Review. Clearly nothing has been done about it at all.
It seems to me "issue was passed on to the AMD Software Team for Internal Review" = thrown in rubbish bin.
If it does not matter that the above is happening then fine.
If AMD think automatic installation of very old 17.1.1. drivers is o.k. then fine.
If AMD think that not detecting them and simply installing over them without removal is O.K. then fine.
However it does seem to violate this:
Radeon™ Software Help Center | AMD
How to Install Radeon™ Software on a Windows® Based System | AMD
Ensure that any existing AMD graphics driver on the system is removed before installing a new driver package. Performing this step first prevents potential file conflicts which may corrupt the installation of new drivers."
I have screenshots showing exactly what happend in one instance - so I can either post them here or create a video using the screenshots to show everyone what is happening.
From MS article,
So it seems MS considers 17.1.1 the "first" choice(in your case ?), would the driver update further in days/weeks following(I've no idea on that, maybe ask MS).
"......existing AMD drivers.....' statement, to me refers to previous from AMD themselves.
If you have no driver blocks in place(or insufficient/not configured correctly), then you run the risk of "windows AI knows best".
And the one button push that overrides blocks.
So comes down to, does the AMD installer need to see the MS version, and/or what happens to the MS driver, overwitten/removed.
- If an AMD Driver is removed, By DDU for example, then if you go into Device Manager you will see "Microsoft Basic Display Adapter" as the Driver.
- Windows 10 is automatically downloading and installing AMD Crimson ReLive 17.1.1.
- I have all Windows Updates deferred/delayed/paused as much as possible.
I am not using additional 3rd party update blocking tools at present - but how many other users do that?
RE: So comes down to, does the AMD installer need to see the MS version, - if you mean AMD Crimson ReLive 17.7.1 I would assume so.
From a user point of view, - I can see no difference betweenAMD Crimson ReLive being installed by Microsoft Automatically or if I were to download and install it myself. You would hop that the Adrenalin Driver 18.11.1 can see a previously manually user installed Crimson ReLive 17.1.1 driver wouldn't you?
RE: and/or what happens to the MS driver, overwitten/removed. If by that yoou mean the AMD 17.7.1 driver - it looks like it is getting overwritten to me.
I am not the [person who should be answering these questions though, which is why I reported these various issues to the AMD Community forum, why I filed AMD Reporing forms and why I also submitted email support requests months ago. The current AMD bug reporting system and user feedback seems utterly pointless.
All I am trying to do here is point out what is happening and point out the potential implications for others based on what AMD own installation guides are teliing me. It could catch people out and they could end up with Adrenalin 17.1.1 overwritten by the driver they are trying to install, which could lead to unstable / unexpected behavior, bad user experience with an otherwise good (if driver installation o.k.) AMD GPU like an RX580, etc.