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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

why i cant puse strech resolution?

i tryed everything but to be true….the software sucks!

i only have problems playing games i cant even put strecfh resolution on my adrenaline 19.2.1 i watch on ypoutube i search on amd website but all the info is old asf, so i go this new software but nothing works properly and i dont even know how to isntall na older one so i just reinstalled Windows fresh so i can play fortnite without crashing and now i can get my resolution to work…..i prety sure u ll answer me like in 3 years but its my last hope that i can put this to work.

i have an rx590 (sapphire).

i tryed to create my res and all that but allways replies with "res not compatible" when i use to play on that res for last 5 months.

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