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PC Drivers & Software

Adept I

Why does CMOS reset fix my “no signal problem” with the rx6600 xt on windows 10?

Hello there,

so my problem started pretty much day one after purchasing the RX6600 xt back in August. I have been getting the black screen on start-up since driver patch 21.8.1 up to the very recent 21.10.2.

My trouble solving attempts included, OS reinstall, buying new MoBo (B350->B550), new OS (Win10 Home → Pro and Manjaro KDE), new GPU (warranty). Nothing changed in the end, except my estimated life expectancy…

At last the only constant that never let me down in short-time reliefs from this nightmare have been CMOS resets. Everytime I change something in the BIOS, like case fan speed curves, SAM, clockrates or the likes my days of happiness were numbered. It usually takes a few days after BIOS tweaks, sometimes 1-2 weeks, until the inevitable happens.

So does anyone have or has had in the past anything similar and knows how to fix it for good? any help is greatly appreciated.

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