My laptop is the FX505DY-AL014T
RX 560X
Ryzen 5 3550H
I wanted to install 12.1 as it was the latest driver. After that I started getting the random freezes, nothing responsive, forcing restarts. It happened more often when my computer was under load, such as having a game and a browser open at the same time, and switching between them.
I went back to 11.2, but that didn't fix the issue. After a while of clean installs over and over, I reverted to 10.1 and it fixed every issue. I then installed 11.1, no issues. I recently tried using 11.2, and boom, freeze.
What's causing this, even the 'recommended' driver is causing freezes for me, and I have no idea why. It's something to do with the CPU it seems, from a few Latencymon tests, but beyond that I have no clue!