Do they mention every single change made in the release notes or just some of the changes made like how its done with BIOS updates?
Not all changes are mentioned...
kingfish wrote:
Not all changes are mentioned...
I have hunted around and there is no change log or anything to see if issues are fixed or not
AMD uses us all as guinea pigs to test drivers
What ?! There's " Fixed Issues " and " Known Issues " in the release notes.
ninjago wrote:
What ?! There's " Fixed Issues " and " Known Issues " in the release notes.
So how long do I have to wait for my 5700 XT TO WORK?
1080p 240hz alienwaremonitor with freesync and I CANNOT PLAY CAUSE IT STUTTERS!
Fix your drivers ASAP
my 4k panel is 60 hz so it is better supported
next panel will be 8k a few years down the road
So back to OP's question. Is it bi weekly or monthly, or random?
My next card,only nvidia,i'm sick and tired of waiting new drivers...And than again,again,again...Endless waiting...
still waiting for a new driver WOW how long are you guys taking to make a fix for downcloking and stuttering