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PC Drivers & Software

Adept I

what would happen if one glued a shaky capacitor using silicone rubber glue

what would happen if one  silicone glued  an on board loose capacitor using silicone  ?????????   does silicone have effects on the   printed circuit  board   (pcb) would it conduct  electricity ??  would it change data  in the computer since data on the  mother board  is represented in "1" and  "0"

just did it today  on an old cpu of mine   the capacitor was shaky  but had not come off completely    so i applied silicon on it and am worried wouldn't want to turn on the computer and have a blow

down below are the  photos   attached

Message was edited by: brian chui

1 Reply

You should be fine. Many years ago I was professionally involved with hardware modifications (bug fixes and improvements) to computer PCBs, we used silicone sealant (clear) to secure any wire adds and additional components to the board. Later we found that super glue worked even better, not so messy and little or no drying time. ( we used a thin jell type plus fixer).