I have an issue with nvme SSD on my Asus Q408 laptop.
I tried to installed Windows 10 on new SSD WD n550 1tb and there is a problem with nvme drivers.
This ssd is detected in BIOS but there is nothing in drive list during the windows installation.
Need urgent help with this!
If this is the Asus Laptop model you have " Asus Zenbook 14 Q406" then see if you have the latest BIOS Version installed from here: https://www.asus.com/supportonly/Q408UG/HelpDesk_BIOS/
Try installing Asus own CHIPSET drivers which also includes the Graphics driver for your AMD APU Processor: https://www.asus.com/supportonly/Q408UG/HelpDesk_Download/
Look in Windows Device Manager under Storage Devices or Hardware and see if you see any Yellow Exclamation mark or error on any Storage device.
If you do then use Device Manager to "Update the Driver" and see if that fixes your problem. Also at the top of Device Manager click on Hidden or disabled devices to see if you see your NVME drive or not.
The problem is that this SSD is not present in the list while I'm trying to install windows 10 on it. However, it is detected by BIOS as a storage.
Deleted answer because OP can't enter Windows itself.
You mentioned it is a "New" SSD then that means you replaced your original ASUS Laptop SSD with the new one correct?
Then the most obvious reason for your issue is that the "NEW" SSD is not compatible with your Asus Laptop.
I would open a Asus Support ticket and find out which SSDs are compatible to replace or upgrade your original SSD.
Asus Support doesn't have a QVL List for Hardware for your Laptop.
If you install the original SSD and it works that is a good indication the problem is with the new SSD not be compatible.
In laptops it is very delicate issue to replace hardware in them since they are so Customized by the Manufacturer. You need to find out exactly what hardware is compatible with your laptop before upgrading the hardware.
Yes, the old SSD from my previous asus works fine, however the new one is still detected by BIOS but I cannot install the windows.
Deleted reply until OP follows the next reply instructions first.
Okay looking at your images something I remembered you can try.
Using the Windows Installation disc that you have enter Windows Troubleshooting Menu and click on Command Prompt.
Type DISKPART and see if you see your new SSD.
Here is a article I found out from DISKPART that tells you the steps in trying to have Windows recognize your new SSD: https://www.diskpart.com/articles/windows-wont-install-on-ssd-4348i.html
have tried this and disk is still not present 😞
Maybe something can be tweaked in BIOS?
Disk "0" should be your new SSD disc unless you have two Drives in your laptop or you are using your old SSD installed.
It shows it is a 57 GB Drive.
This is what shows on my Desktop PC when I run DISKPART listing all my Drives:
DISK "1" is my Windows drive.
If you select Disk "O" by using command line "Select Disk 0" it will select that drive.
Now once that SSD is selected run the command " List Volume" and see what it shows.
When I run LIST VOLUME this is what shows up in DISKPART:
Unless when you install the new SSD it shows no Disks at all if your laptop only has one Disk Drive in it.
From the same link I gave you for DISKPART website here it shows more detail on how to use DISKPART: https://www.diskpart.com/windows-10/diskpart-windows-10-1203.html
In the first link I gave you to DiskPart website it tells you how to set your BIOS to try and get the drive to show up.
If none of the above works and the drive is still not recognize then you need to open a Western Digital and Asus Support ticket.
My feelings is that WD SSD just isn't compatible with your laptop. but I could be wrong which is why I suggest you open the above Support tickets.
Ok, thanks.
58GB is usd drive with Windows installation files.
I check my laptop accept old SATA m2 256gb drive.
But it doesn't work with NVme WD drive.
This laptop has to support the NVme drives.
Do I need to try AMD RAID Installer in order to find the NVme driver?
Or do I need to try Intel rapid storage drivers?
No don't install the RAID drivers.
If the original Laptop is using a SATA SSD that might be the issue you are having. The slot may not be compatible with NVME SSD drives.
Please open a Asus support ticket. They will probably tell you that the M.2 slot in your laptop is not compatible with NVME but only with SATA.
Ok thanks, would check with them this issue