Hello, Yesterday i go undervolting my Card.
When i cahenge the mV on gpu in wattman and set manual fan speed and power limit +50
and i save it porfile than after reboot everything is set good without the voltages the voltages go back to stock
This wattman is so much bugged....
Fan speed in manual mode, no working 0 rpm corecttly just minimum is 35%
19.3.3. drivers.
Someone know what can i do?
Did you click 'Apply' (which is correct), or 'Save Profile'?
Thanks for answer Yes i click apply, everything is save but the undervolting voltages not want save.
When i restart PC after apply wattman, everything is save.
But when i turn off PC for Few Hours and turn on, everything is save and good but voltages return to the stock 😕
Hmm... Maybe i try disabled FastBoot in windows 10 in power option, some people told that can be help
What do you think?
Turn it off:
Here's how > The Pros and Cons of Windows 10’s “Fast Startup” Mode
Note that you have to reboot your computer after disabling fast startup for the changes to take effect.
Yeah i do this after work, when come back to house and i give information
But in my opinion Amd Software is so much broken,bugged.
For people whoes have the same problem
Turn OFF FastBoot in Win10 it help and now is everything ok