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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

vulkan question

hi, my AMD card is (AMD Radeon HD 8600/8700M) and i need VULKAN in a game and i can't find it so if you can help me how to verify it on the game and why it doesn't appear and i tried software adrenalin 2020 but it said doesn't match my OS 

so i was wondering if you can help me run vulkan in the game or tell me why it doesn't give me the option and only provide direct x 11

thank you in advance.

2 Replies

This User playing World War Z has the exact same problem as you do with his game: I cant active Vulkan Api . This User is able to play other games using Vulkan but not WWZ.

Download GPU-Z and make sure that your GPU card shows "enabled" by having Vulkan and OpenCL boxes check marked.

If they are check marked then the problem isn't the AMD Driver but that specific game.

NOTE: as Kingfish posted, Please post your Computer setup including current Windows version, etc and if it is a laptop, EXACT MAKE & MODEL.