Dear Community,
I would like to set up a Bitbucket pipeline to have a pipeline that can create a .bit file and a .mcs file with every commit that I do in bitbucket.
Therefor I'm creating a Docker image containing Vivado. Using the full unified .tar.gz file, I managed to create a docker image to do this but this is an image of +40 GB which is in my opinion way too big.
Another method is using the web installer, but i run into an issue when creating the authentication token. I get the following error:
28.74 FATAL: Could not get a console!!!
28.74 Exception in thread "main" com.xilinx.installer.utils.k: Unable to progress with authentication token generation without access to a console.
This is because user input is needed to enter my AMD account credentials. Would there be a way to pass my user credentials to the Dockerfile so I can fully automatically create the docker image without needing user input?
kind regards,