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PC Drivers & Software


Using 16:9 resolution with VSR on 16:10 monitor

Hey everyone,

I have an R9 290 and I've been using VSR in a lot of games and it works well, but I've picked up The Witcher 1 which has a bug where faces get weirdly blurry on any non 16:9 resolutions.

So far I've always used 2560x1600, which is the max. supported resolution on my 1680x1050 monitor, but there doesn't seem to be a way to get 2560x1440 to show up as an option ingame or for Windows.

I've tried adding a custom resolution in the driver itself, regedit and the CRS tool, those only work for adding resolutions below my native one regardless of aspect ratio.

I've gotten 1600x900 or 1680x946 to run just fine with those tools, and VSR works in the game since 2560x1600 also runs just fine(except for the bug ofc).

On a technical level I see no reason why 2560x1440 shouldn't be possible seeing as 2560x1600 is a higher resolution and works well.

So my question is: Is there a way to make 2560x1440 available as an option on a 16:10 monitor with VSR?

Thanks in advance for the help

2 Replies

Maybe this...? How to Enable and Configure AMD Virtual Super Resolution | AMD

Applying a Supported VSR Mode

Once VSR is turned on within Radeon Settings, applying a supported VSR mode for a particular game can be done through the in-game Graphics/Video settings menu.

These are general steps for applying a supported VSR mode to games:

  1. Launch the desired game and open the Graphics/Video menu.  If required, please refer to the game guide for instructions on accessing Graphics/Video menu.
  2. Select the Resolution option to see a list of available resolutions that the game can run in.
  3. Resolutions listed that are higher than the native resolution of the display are VSR modes.
    Note! If the option only contains resolutions that are equal and/or lower than the native resolution supported by your display, then that is a limitation of the game as it cannot render at higher resolutions and does not support VSR modes.
  4. Select the desired VSR mode and apply/save change.  The game should now run in the selected VSR mode

Thanks for the reply!

Unfortunately there's nothing there I haven't done already.

VSR does work in Witcher 1, but I am only able to select 16:10 resolutions (1920x1200, 2560x1600) above my display's native one, in Windows as well as ingame.

I can select resolutions with any aspect ratio if they are below my displays native resolution and I can add any resolution I like in that case.

I want to be able to select 16:9 resolutions (1920x1080, 2560x1440) using VSR, which has not worked with any tools.

I've looked around quite a bit but maybe there is no way

Here are my options with VSR on in Windows(it's the same ingame):

VSR on.png