Used to be a link to older GPU drivers? - on the first page of auto detect etc page. Is there a official link to a list of the older drivers?
Once you select your card, at the bottom of the driver page there is the link for previous drivers.
Unfortunately most of the time it just posts a few previous drivers. If you need a older version than what is shown on the new Previous Driver page for your GPU, you would need to Google it.
The old Previous Driver page would list all the drivers from several years back.
Depending on the driver needed..especially APU's,,,not all the old drivers are supported. Need this > INFORMATION REQUIRED WHEN POSTING A QUESTION
That makes sense as to why it shows so few Previous Drivers.
But on some occasions, a User may need to have an older version than what is supplied on the new Previous Page. Like what happened earlier in a thread here at AMD Forums. This User was trying to download a older version (Catalyst Crimson) but the new Previous Download Page only showed previous Radeon drivers.
Granted this example may be more of an exception to the rule than the norm. But it still is nice to have a list of all the previous drivers for a certain GPU/APU like in the old Previous download site.
Some classes of APU's...Carrizo as a example...were problematic for AMD and Microsoft. Very few updates. Microsoft even called attention to it:
Microsoft update June 13, 2017—KB4022719 (Monthly Rollup) addresses Carrizo APU