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PC Drivers & Software

Adept I

Unable to install new graphics drivers

I am unable to upgrade my graphics drivers from 20.5.1 to neither the recommended or the optional release. Attempting to install within the software, it either fails instantly, or downloads to between 4 and 15 percent, and then fails.

I also attempted installing the drivers from AMD's website, using chrome, then firefox. Both downloaded for about 30 seconds, before stopping, with the message "Failed - Network error"

I have absolutely no idea what to do, and it has been this way for months now. Can anyone help?

4 Replies

I can't imagine why you can't download the drivers. Maybe you have an adblocker or some other addon you use in your browser conflicting. 

I can give you an alternate source to download drivers. Guru3d dot com has a repository of most the AMD drivers, so maybe try downloading from there. 


Well, no adblocker, but i'll definitely give Guru a shot, thanks.

Edit: same result 😕 thanks for trying tho.


Well, I guess it's solved?

My game (War Thunder) had another video driver related crash today, so I (hopelessly) went to install the new drivers again.

To my surprise, it worked!

I have no idea what changed though, so I dont think i'll mark this as solved...

Awesome! Thanks for reporting back what helped. It sure helps others. 

Enjoy your game!